Thats when I found out I liked you (2)

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Me and Kuro where out of breath when we got to the gates. I saw Akashi and Bokuto waving at us. They came over and greeted us. Akashi wore a furisode too but it was black and white. She had two buns in her hair and they were also held up by black and white flower clips. "Umm Kenma?" She asked looking at my hair. "Where is your clip?" I started feeling around my head and my clip wasn't there. It probably feel out while I was getting dragged to the festival. "I guess it fell out." I said. "Do you have another one?" I asked Akashi as she was looking through her little purse she caress around everywhere. Luckily she had a white clip even though it wasn't a flower it still worked.
Bokuto and Kuro had a plan to play all the games before the fire works. Me and Akashi decided to just go look around at their food options and judge their food. We all decided to gather at the temple where the fire works were happening. After about 2 hours we all gathered at the temple and Kuro had gave me a giant red teddy bear. "It only took me 2 tries to get it!" He bosted. "You mean 20 right?" Bokuto added while handing Akashi a little book bag key chain that looked like an owl. Kuro punched Bokuto on his arm which made Bokuto yelp a little. "I told you not to tell her that." He loudly whispered. "Guys look!" Akashi yelled which made us turn our heads to see bright colors being flashed before our eyes. We all looked with amazement in our eyes. I turned to look at Akashi and Bokuto who were holding hands while looking up at the sky. I then turned to look at Kurro who was still looking at the bright colors being splashed across the sky. He grabbed my hand turned to me and said "Aren't they beautiful Kenma?" I looked at him and quietly said "yeah yeah they are.". During that moment I really took in Kuro's looks. His night black eyes. His unique hair style. His contagious smile. I then realized that I liked Kuro my bestfriend. I looked back at the sky and smiled. Thats when I found out I liked you.

My gamer girl kurro x fem kenmaWhere stories live. Discover now