ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶

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The winter sun hung low as the sun began to set over Windhaven. 

"Thalia" Cassian called her down while she accompanied a younger girl not even eighteen flying for the first time. The two came down slowly with Thalia's hands gently under the girl's as they lowered to the ground, a grin spanning across both women's faces at the steady landing. 

"Rhys has called for a meeting. He needs you in Velaris by tonight" The male ushered her away quickly after Thalia picked up her disguarded blades and bid the women she was training with goodbye before flying back to the house. 

"Do you know what it's about?" Thalia asked as she was greeted by Nesta in the entryway. 

"Just that he needed you to meet him as soon as possible" 

"What about the rest of you?"

"We've been called too"

Cass winked as Azriel suggested how each of them got back. 

"Cass, you and Nesta fly. Thalia are you able to winnow?" His eyes met hers but there was nothing to it. She hadn't winnowed in a while and the last she remembered of it was the night she arrived in Velaris from Hybern resulting in her left wing getting left behind halfway though and snapping. 

"Yes" She breathed, hooking her cloak around her neck over her training leathers. 

Cassian and Nesta left soon after with prompt from Thalia but as she stood in the space they left she gulped and cricked her neck. 

"You sure you got this?" Azriel's voice broke her thoughts. He came up beside her and looked expectantly at the way the shadows swirling through the curls of her hair were more rapid and spiked. She'd never admit she was scared but as she readied herself, she couldn't help but tuck her wings in tighter and take in a deep breath before space enveloped her and she came out the other side in the centre of the House of Wind. But this time she didn't have a broken wing nor did her skin feel torn and open by the movement, instead the only pressure she felt was on his hand. And her stomach did somersaults when she looked to see Azriel beside her, his thumb stroking the back of it. 

"Told you" He added as he returned his hand to his pockets following the call of Rhys who had appeared in the hallway behind them. 

Turning to join them Thalia tried to ignore the way Rhys smirked at her, at the way she looked panicked before stepping into line beside him. 

"Don't you dare" She muttered. 

Rhys nudged her with his shoulder as the three of them, with Azriel two strides ahead, entered the library. 

"I wasn't going to say anything" 

A quick image of the scene previously unfolded in her head, of Azriel winnowing close behind her with his hand against hers. He looked at her as if she held the world. 

"You evil little bi-"

"Thalia" Feyre appeared in front of her as she swatted Rhys while he snickered. 

"Feyre I'm going to kill your mate" 

"Can it wait till tomorrow it's Rhys' turn to read to Nyx tonight" Feyre replied as if it was nothing while bringing her in for a hug. 

Entering the library, Thalia was met with Morrigan and Amren already sat in two great opposite arm chairs while Azriel appeared next to them leaning against the back of Mor's talking to the two in hushed whispers. 

"I'll cut straight to it" Rhys announced as Thalia took her own seat beside Feyre on a longer chaise lounge. 

"Should we not wait for Cass and Nesta?" Mor questioned but was reassured Cassian already knew and would inform Nesta on their flight back. 

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