Chapter 1~The Sakamaki Brothers

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Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating in a while. Here is chapter 1. I hope you like it! A liitle thing to know is that when I write 'Daddy' it is Karlheinz not her real father. The Sakamaki's reffer to Karlheinz as 'he' so don't be confused. There is a picture of the Sakamaki brothers when they were little. I hope you like this song, It's called red light, by f(x). Hope you enjoy and continue reading! Please vote, comment, and share!! (^-^)

Rumi's POV 

It's been one month since I been with daddy. Today is the day when he is going to introduce me to my brothers. I'm so nervous and exicted, I'm practically jumping up and down on my seat on the car. Daddy saw me doing that and chuckled, "Are you excited that you're going to finally meet your brothers?" I smile and say, "Yep. But I'm also nervous. What if they don't like me?" Daddy smiled at that and said, "Don't worry. I'm sure they will love you." Then suddenly the car stops. 'I guess we are here. I'm so nervous!' We get out of the car and start heading into the mansion.

When we go inside, I saw six boys taller than me standing there in line. I hid behind daddy. Then Daddy says, "Hello my sons. I want you guys to meet someone...... important," choosing his words carefully. "Stop hiding behind me Rumi, I thought you were excited meeting your brothers, " he said softly towards me. I slowly come out from behind him and saw their faces clearly. The one standing in front had bright blonde hair and light blue eyes. The person next to him has purple-black hair with light red eyes and wears glasses. The person after him has reddish-brown hair and green eyes and the person next to him looked almost exactly the same. 'They must be twins' Then there is a guy with light purple hair, light purple eyes, and is carrying a teddy bear. The last guy in the end had white hair and blood-red eyes. 

I smiled at them and said, "Hello nii-sans (brothers) I am Rumi Sakamaki, your new sister! Hajimemashite! (standard style in japanese for nice to meet you) "

They looked suprised at first but also started to smile. The guy with the glasses said,"Hello my name is Reiji, I am the second son." Then he pointed at the guy with blond hair and said, "He is Shu, the eldest." "This is Laito, the third son." He said while pointing at Laito. "Kanato, the fourth son." He said while pointing at the guy that was holding a teddy bear. Then Reiji was going to tell the name of the fifth son but the guy with red hair interuped and said, "And Ore-sama is the fifth son." The guy with the white hair *tched* and said, "Stop calling yourself that!" Then he looked at me and said, "That idiot over there that calls himself Ore-sama is Ayato. I am Subaru the sixth son."

Then Reiji who looked pissed at being interrupted, cleared his throat and said, "Anyways, welcome to the family Rumi." I smiled at that and looked at daddy. He looked amused looking at them. I was getting sleepy from the long car ride and yawned. Daddy said, "Oh it looks like you're tired Rumi. I'll take you to your bed." Daddy carried me upstairs to my new room and kissed me on my head and said, "Goodnight my beautiful Rumi. Sweet dreams."

Subaru's POV

"Why did he call us all here?" asked Ayato for hundreth time. I got annoyed and said, "Would you stop asking! He only said that he has someone important for us to meet!" After that little episode, he didn't bother me anymore which I was glad for. 'He is so annoying' I thought.

After a while, I sensed him. He walked into the mansion and said, "Hello my sons. I want you guys to meet someone...... important." He gestured at someone behind him, "Stop hiding behind me Rumi, I thought you were excited meeting your brothers." A little girl came from behind him. She looked only a little bit younger than Subaru. She looked at us wide-eyed with her beautiful lapis lazuli eyes. She was really pretty and adorable, with dark brown hair, fair skin, and those pretty eyes. She then smiled the most prettiest smile I ever seen. Then I snapped out of my daze when she said "Hello nii-sans I am Rumi Sakamaki, your new sister! Hajimemashite!" I couldn't believe it, we are going to have a sister! Reiji looked pretty calm about this and introduced Shu, himself, Laito, and kanato, but then he got interrupted by Ayato. I tried to stiffle a laughter, but then Ayato had to introduce himself as Ore-sama. I *tched* and said, "Stop calling yourself that!" Then I looked at Rumi and said, That idiot over there that calls himself Ore-sama is Ayato. I am Subaru the sixth son." Reiji looked pissed but I didn't care. He cleared his throat and said, "Anyways, welcome to the family Rumi." I looked towards Rumi and she was smiling her adorable signature smile that everyone could fall in love with. After she yawned and he said, "Oh it looks like you're tired Rumi. I'll take you to your bed, " and he took her upstairs to her room. We were waiting downstairs wondering about Rumi. 'I don't why but I have a feeling that I want to protect her. And it looks like they also think the same thing as me.' I think while looking at my brothers' expressions. Then I looked at the stairs, he was coming down. I asked him, "Who is Rumi? Does she know about vampires?" He just chuckled and said, "She knows about vampires because she is a pureblood herself. -I" When he was going to say something else, Ayato cut in again and said, "But how can she be a pureblood. Her pureblood clan would never give away a pureblood heir. How did you get her?" He looked annoyed at Ayato who interrupted him, but said," That was what I was going to exlpain. I found Rumi trudging through the blizzard near a village. She told me that her family treated her horribly and abused her. She had an older sister that abused her and an older brother that did nothing to help or stop all the abusing. So she told me that she ran away from home. Since she had no where else to go, I asked to adopt her." After he finished talking, I was mad and angry and I could see that my brothers were to. I clenched my fist and hit the wall next to me. Reiji looked pissed but didn't scold me, everyone looked pissed. Shu then said, "Tell me the name of that clan. I'll hunt them down and kill them," which suprised us all. He even looked suprised but then he chuckled and said, "Being protective of your sister already. That's good, you'll have to be by her side and help her. But I can't tell you the name of her clan, she will tell you guys when she is ready. Anyways, I must depart, please take good care of her." He left and we sat there thinking about Rumi. 'What will happen from now on.'

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