Chapter 1

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¨Mom! I missed the bus!¨ Adelaine yelled this as she frantically tied her hair up and ran down the steps. ¨Hurry Mom! It's the last day and I'm late!¨ 

¨Quit yelling, it's not my fault you are late.¨ Her mother grabbed her keys and Adelaines wrist and walked out the front door.

As soon as Adelaines mother released her wrist she got in the car and buckled her seatbelt. ¨I could have sworn I set an alarm. Mom, I'm so sorry I know this might make you late for work.¨ She apologized knowing that her mother's job is already at risk due to less funding and her mother being late isn't going to help her.

¨Its fine, let's just hope my supervisors understand.¨ Adelaine nodded hoping that no one would blame her mother for Adelaines mistakes.


Once Adelaine got to school she had to go to the assembly. She hated this assembly because all it was, was a bunch of teachers ¨crying¨ about how they're gonna miss everyone. ¨Here we go.¨ Adelaine muttered while walking into the cafeteria trying to avoid a large number of people noticing her.

She sat down in between two of her friends: Matthew and Bex. ¨Nice of you to finally join us.¨ Bex said as Adelaine sat down.

¨Yeah you left me alone with Bex.¨ Matthew jokingly said to get on Bex's nerves. Adelaine laughed knowing that her friends secretly had a thing for each other but would never tell.

¨Awww poor little Matthew had to sit with someone for 15 minutes without me?¨ Adelaine teased watching his face go slightly red.

¨One, you are a person. Two, I have plenty of friends that I hang out with.¨ Matthew started trying to play it off like he doesn't like Bex. Bex and Adelaine just laughed at him. Sometimes Matthews's sentences are phrased a little weird when talking about Bex because he just recently found out she is non-binary and he is working on using her correct pronouns.

Just as Bex was going to say something a teacher came up to them and tapped all three of them on the shoulder. ¨Eyes up. You should be paying attention, don't make me say it again or I'm going to have to ask you to leave.¨

After the teacher walked away Bex stated ¨Not going to lie but leaving this assembly sounds like a gift.¨ Matthew shot her a look saying: don't get us in trouble.

¨Aw come on Mr. Perfect, don't you want to leave?. I mean come on you can't deny this is boring.¨ Adelaine said, trying to convince him.

¨I have a reputation Adelaine, so do you. Even though yours isn't as good as mine.¨ Matthew shot back, obviously annoyed by the little nickname.

¨Yeah you have a reputation as a buzzkill. Don't be a buzz kill.¨ Bex said, trying to lighten the mood a little.

Adelaine stood up and said ¨Come on let's go, we can wander the school until the assembly is over.¨ She held her hand out to Matthew and she hesitantly took it.

¨This is a mandatory assembly Adelaine we can't just leave.¨ He said as Bex and Adelaine dragged him along. He looked worried but what were the teachers going to do? Give them detention? On the last day of school? As if any of the teachers wanted to stay later than they have to.

As they were almost done with weaving through all of the students the lights went out. Everyone started whispering and some people even screamed. Half of those screams were probably guys. Adelaine, Matthew, and Bex still kept making their way toward the door and as they were about to get to it they heard a click. All of the doors locked and there was no way out.


Quik little authors note. I know it's short but it's my first chapter and I'm still outlining my chapters but I hope people enjoy this little chapter.

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