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Anyone who is a daughter knows how life is in the first years, all fun, spontaneous even.

See as a child I was always the center of attention (cause I was an attention seeker) everything

 was great until my little brother was born. I remember being so angry at all of the attention he

 was getting that, I may have tried to off him unsuccessfully... thank GOD! But, the thing is just

 two years later came my little sister, thankfully she was more of a sleeper rather than the sickly

 baby (allergies and eczema) my brother was (that was how my brain worked as a child do not

 judge me!!!) Then five years late my youngest brother was born and he was just an angel when

 he started to like me (keep in mind that at that time I was 9 ). But, it was at that time that

 everything went downhill...

Hi, I am kind of new to this so try to bear with me on this.

Thank you!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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