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The funny thing was I had only known Maise for a few days, and I already wanted to know everything about her. She just seemed so interesting. She had a way with words. She was sweet and had a sense of humor, and when she had her arms wrapped around me earlier, she made me feel a way I couldn't explain. Lunch was soon over it was eventful. The guys loved her, I could see her making her way into the group. After school, I drove Maisie home and walked her in.

"Thanks for today." She said to me at the front door.

"For what." I replied, looking down at her.

"Driving me to school, introducing me to your friends, and driving me home." She smiled, looking up at me.

"Anything for a friend."

"Hey, I know this is weird, and you have already been around me all day, but do you want to come inside. My grandparents won't mind." She said, inviting me in.

I had nothing to lose, no commitments, no plans, no curfew, so...

"Yeah, you know what, that would be great." I reply.

She opened the door, and we both stepped inside. She took me down to her room.

"This is my room. It's a little basement-y but it was non the less my room." She told me.

She set her things at the bottom of the steps, and I did the same. She showed me her bookshelf filled without any space left for new books.

"You really like books."

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." She replied before putting her book from lunch in a small space in the bookshelf.

I couldn't believe myself. I invited a boy into my room. What kind of person had I become?

"I will be back in a minute, I can't stand this uniform." I said, walking into my closet and changing into a tee-shirt and shorts.

I walked out of the closet, and to my surprise, he leaned up against my unmade bed, with his sleeves rolled up revealing the loads of tattoos on his arms. All of which peeked through his white button-down shirt.

"Nice tattoos." I said, walking closer to him and sitting on the floor across from him to admire the tattoos better.

"Thanks. I have done most of them myself." Alec replied proudly, looking down at his arms.

"That's awesome, I have always wanted tattoos, but my aunt would have killed me." I replied laughing, trying not to make eye contact with him.

"They would look good on you." He said smiling, which turned his smile into a sort of sexy smirk. I liked it a lot.

I blushed uncontrollably.

"I should tattoo you sometime."

"You should. I would love that, I have always wanted "Always and Forever" above my rib cage on the left." I replied innocently.

"That's cool, that's it. That's all you want?" He asked, unsure.

I tried not to bombard him with everything I wanted, but I couldn't help myself.

"No, I also what a heart on my left wrist, a rose on my pointer finger, a collage of flowers on my right hip, a dagger with the same flowers around it under the other flowers. I also want an anchor on my ankle, and I think that's it, for now, at least." I said, telling him everything I wanted.

"Well, I guess you have a plan." He said, kind of shocked.

"Yeah, I guess so, I just really like tattoos. You should show me yours sometime."

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