This dance...thing.

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It was the night of the dance, I had phoned͙ Lydia and we had become closer friends. For once in my life I was happy.

Little did I know about the things that were about to happen to me.

I didn't have a dress, I outgrew my last one so that the bottom came up to my upper thighs and almost showed my butt!

Now some girls wear that kind of thing. But we know who those kind of people are.

But my dress was a bit too small for me and had sequins spelling out "diva" on the back where the butt would be. Which was now at my lower back.

I wore this dress at home when I was 9-12, when I still lived with my parents. Sometimes so dance recitals. I had always wanted to be in dance, but my parents never let me. So I went to other girls recitals and pretended I was them up on stage. Cute, isn't it.

Anyways, I texted Lydia that my current outfit didn't fit me because it was too small.
Was her response.

I pretty much had no choice but to go there. So I got my sweater and my wallet and started to walk towards the bus stop.

Yes I hadn't brushed my hair and I was just wearing old jeans and a sweater, but it's just dress shopping. Its not like I needed to look nice for shopping. right?

Within minutes I had arrived at the bus stop and it was just pulling in. I climbed on and payed the fee, then went to the back where I was alone.

I felt... Sort of happy. I'm not sure why I felt happy, I just did. There were a few other people on the bus, about 8 including myself, but that was about it. all seemed to be going to the same place as I was.

There was a woman with her child sitting across from me. The kid seemed maybe 7 years old. And the mother was clutching him to her chest and had a scared expression on her face. I'm guessing she was used to driving to places instead of taking the public transit.

There was a group of three girls up near the front of the bus. They were chattering loudly and occasionally looked back at me and whispered to each other.
I didn't want to know what they were saying about me.

An old man was laying down on three seats and taking a nap. I'm not sure what else to say about him.

And across from the man was a boy. possibly around my age, maybe a little older. He also was wearing a sweater and some old jeans. It looked like he hadn't brushed his hair either.

He looked tired. He was slouched and had bags under his eyes. he was also pretty pale. I think the only difference between him and I was that I had my hood up.

I found myself staring at him and he seemed to know it too. His eyes shifted over to mine and I was caught. They were dark and sad, but with a slight twinkle to them.

I looked away quickly but it was already done. The awkwardness had happened.

And then he had to go make it more awkward by coming to sit by me!

My blush was obviously noticeable. Nobody had ever come to sit by me before. I guess it was because I looked creepy and was always so distant from everyone.

He sat next to me and it was a while before he actually said anything.
"Hey. I saw you from just over there, y'know, and I thought you looked a bit lonely. And I just wanted to come over and talk. That and because I didn't want you to have to deal with those girls smack talking you anymore." he said in a gentle voice.

"Those girls were trash talking me?"
I felt a sudden surge of sadness and anger, smushed into a ball of emotion. I wanted to throw them all off the bus and onto the streets, and on the other hand I wanted to curl up in a ball and just go into a coma for several months and just not have to deal with the world.

Wouldn't that be wonderful.

His eyes were sad again and he slid a bit closer to me.
"Yeah. I wanted to tell them to stop. But I was afraid that they would then start making fun of me. Pretty pathetic, Huh."
He looked like he was bracing for impact.

"Nah. I don't think it's pathetic. I do the same thing. And plus, those girls wouldn't have anything on you."
He seemed to relax, and I saw a slight smile draw across his face.

He held out his hand.
"I'm Ryan."

I shook his hand firmly, like I had been taught to in school.
"Kate. Nice to meet you." I replied.

"No no no!" he said shaking his head. "Don't give me that 'nice to meet you' thing. I want to really know what you think of me. Come on, let's try it again." Ryan held out his hand again.
"My name is Ryan. And what is yours?"

I shook his hand again and thought quickly.
"My name is Kate and as meeting a total stranger and having struck up a conversation with them, it is nice to have met you so that I don't have to loath in my own self pity any longer."

He laughed and his smile widened.
I had forgotten what it felt like to make someone smile.

"Now that is what I meant! wonderful job, Kate. wonderful job. So anyway, what brings you to the mighty public transit today?" he asked, still chuckling quietly.

"I-uh, I am going to the mall to meet up with my friend to go dress shopping, for a party tonight." I said shyly. It felt weird telling this guy that I had just met where I was going.

"Ah. That sounds fun. But, uh, by the sounds of it, That's what those girls up there were thinking of doing too" he got quieter as he spoke.

I felt a bit discouraged by this. I didn't want to be in the same place as them if they were just going to be making fun of me.

"Well that's just great." I proclaimed, limply throwing my hands over my head. "Just great."

Ryan hollowly laughed. "Yeah, well. I could come with you. I mean, just until you see your friend... if you want."

"Heh. I don't know if I should be bringing people I just met to places with me."

"Aw come on we aren't strangers anymore. I feel like this friendship is going quick and good. Plus, it's just so you don't get bullied by those pricks up there." he said jabbing a thumb up at the girls, who were looking back and whispering to each other and giggling.

I laughed a bit and thought about it for a minute before answering.
"Yeah. I guess you could come. But don't you have anywhere else to be going? I figure you wouldn't be on this bus if you didn't have to go anywhere."

Ryan chuckled.
"Actually, I just got on here to get out of the house. So I guess you have no choice but to take me with you now. Heck, I could even help you pick dresses." he blushed "that is....if you're okay with that...."

I laughed and patted him on the back. "yeah, you seem trust worthy. You can come with me. As long as my friend is okay with it."

Ryan's eyes seemed to light up at this. I pulled out my phone and started to text Lydia.

K: "Hey. is it okay that I bring someone with us?"
L: "It depends who this someone is."
K: "It's a friend I made on the bus"
L: "yeah, I guess it's alright. As long and he/she isn't annoying a snobbish."
K: "I think we're safe. I'll see you when I get there."

"You're okay to come!" I said while shaking Ryan's arm a bit. He smiled widely.

"Okay but first I think I should be allowed to see your face before we become BFF's. Is that okay with you?" he asked.

I hesitated before pulling my hood down.

My hair was messy from both not brushing it and from my hood.

I noticed that Ryan was staring and I snapped my fingers. He shook his head and looked away. obviously flustered and embarrassed.

"Sorry. I, uh, your eyes are just really...interesting. In a good way though! you're just.. I dunno. I'm sorry. I'm a total idiot."
He turned his head and looked down at his hands, looking ashamed.

I thought it was adorable that he got that flustered over something so small like that.

"Ah it's okay. it was just a small mistake. it's all good. Now come on. we have some dress shopping to do."
I stood up and pulled on his arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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