since we were eighteen

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Warning: Major character death, but it's not dwelled on much if that helps.



"Hazza, wake up! It's your birthday!" Louis shouted as he jumped on top of the Harry-shaped lump under the duvet of their bed.

"Mmph," is the response he gets.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Hazzabear, happy birthday to you!" Louis sings cheerily into the mop of curls displayed on his pillow.

Harry moves around so he can grab Louis and bring him into his chest, spooning him from behind. "How can you still get this excited about my birthday after 12 years together?" He asks groggily.

Louis giggles and turns around in Harry's arms, "Because it's not every day my beautiful husband turns 28 now, is it?" he teases placing a sweet kiss on his husband's lips, "Good morning, I love you,"

"Good morning, my love. I love you with everything in me,"

It's been the same thing every morning they've woken up together since Louis can remember. Sometimes Harry was away for work on school camps, and other times Louis had important gigs in other towns. But they never broke routine, whether it be a phone call or a text, they always greeted each other the same way every morning.

"Good morning, I love you,"

"Good morning, my love. I love you with everything in me,"

Harry leaned forward to kiss Louis again, this time slower, and deeper. They've been married for 7 years and together for 12, they're way past morning breath.

He got lots of comments when they announced their engagement. Family friends, and distant cousins questioning if he's really sure this is what he wants.

"You're only 21, Harry,"

"You've only been with one person; don't you want to experiment?"

"Are you sure he's the one?"

And Harry thanks whatever God you believe in that he didn't listen to them. Because every day when he wakes up to those big, beautiful eyes, he knows.

Yeah. He's the one.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Louis blushes. They stopped kissing a few moments ago, and Harry hasn't stopped looking at him like he's the only person in the world.

"I just really, really love you, and I'm never letting you go. Ever."

Louis giggles and pecks Harry's lips again, "Well that's really fortunate, because I really, really love you too, and I'm never letting you go, either,"

Harry smiles wide, "Well who would wake me up every year on my birthday as enthusiastically as you do?" He teases.

"You have a good point," Louis agrees, "You do love birthday mornings with me,"

Harry brings Louis into his arms and hugs him tight, "I love every morning with you," he whispers into Louis' hair.

Louis places a kiss on Harry's bare shoulder and mumbles into his skin, "I love every day of my life with you," he takes his head out from where it was tucked under Harry's skin and looks into Harry's eyes, grinning. "I'm gonna make next year's birthday even more special than usual. I'll put a whole new level of enthusiasm into waking you up, and leave at least an hour of cuddle time before getting onto breakfast,"

Harry smiles at Louis, his love spilling out of every pore as he stares at his husband with heart eyes, "I'm already looking forward to it,"


Louis wakes up gasping for breath as he sobs himself into a coughing fit. The grass is damp beneath his grubby body and the sky is grey and cloudy from above. The blaring of his alarm takes his attention away from his dream enough for him to calm down a little as he reaches for his phone.


He looks over to his right to see the thing he fell asleep next to once again, the thing he's been visiting almost every day since the incident and breaks all over again. "Happy Birthday, Hazzabear. Good morning, I love you," he whispers, barely audible through his violent sobs. His Harry. His soulmate.

Harry Edward Styles


Loving Son, Brother, and Husband

Always in our hearts

The End.


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Thoughts? I hope you enjoyed it! X

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