I'm sorry

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— A/N —

You and Jennie were married for almost five years now, and with those five years of marriage it was perfect between the two of you, the dreams you dreamt before were granted emidiently, the both of you had two angelic looking kids and it was almost perfect, not until you were noticing your own wife doesn't look at you the same way anymore.

the two of you would sometimes fight and lose hope on fixing it earlier like the two of you used too before.

like so, when the both of you had a major fight you won't sleep without talking about it and being such a sweet couple again, so then you were sensing that the two children you both had together were sad that their parents are almost up to filling a divorce agreement


— Y/N —

i am in our kitchen while the bottles of beers were scattered all around, i just found out that my wife is cheating on me for almost 3 months now, she could've just told me about it because i'm already in pain now, her promises we're always hunting me that i couldnt even sleep anymore thingking about them all so much.

how could she do this to me and to our two children, they're too young to expirience these kind of stuffs.

As i was drinking the beer i slowly looked at the door when i heard it opening, i poured some beer on my empty glass and heard the footsteps getting closer, I was startled when she started shouting at me again.

which she never did to me once.

"Are you having fun dringking beer Y/N!

she shouted as i looked at her while the tears were slowly dropping off from my sad and painful eyes

"I've been working for so long and now i'm going home to see this? To see my wife in the kitchen sitting in the kitchen bar-stool as i watch her drinking beer!

she then shouted again as she threw her briefcase on the floor that made my temper in a uncontrolable situation.

" thats exactly the point jennieyou're were not even home for almost a month now! what do you think you were doing? i'm not stupid jenniei've known about your affair for a long a time now!

i shouted at her as the tears were dropping off uncontrolably, i then soon decided to continue as i saw her drop a guilty face

"how could you sleep every night even if you know to yourself that you're cheating on me? how could you sleep so peacefully while you knew to yourself that you were cheating on your wife! why did you have to ruin us?

I asked her as I cried harder looking at her with full of hatred,

I'm overthinking about her leaving us all, leaving our kids, and it's killing me painfully, the fact that I know what going to happened next.

"I'm really sorry y/n but you aren't enough, nayeonshe gave me everything, she made me happier than you did and I'm not gonna lie, this time she's far better from you

she answered with no hesitations on her and i then nodded at her as i wiped my tears

" seems like you turned out the person you said you didn't want to be jennie

I told her with the pain i have inside me as she then slowly looked at me with her eyes tearing up more

"What do you mean y/n? "

she asked as I smiled at her and decided to make her remember what she promised before

" you once made a promise jennieyou promised that i'll be the only one you will loveand that i am enough for you to feel and happy

I told her as she scoffed at me and shouted loudly

" Promise were meant to be broken y/n! And they will always be broken! "

she stated angryly i then decided to take a deep breath before answering her

" no jennie promises aren't meant to be brokenbecause if they were meant to be broken? then you didn't really promised and that meant you lied to someone who you loved so much


-Part 2 soon!

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