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Izuku Midoriya used to live with his mother Inko Midoriya in a small apartment in a remote part of the city where the crime rate was high.

Again and again the little boy came to an orphanage because his mother was a drug addict and abused him, which was clearly visible in his scars, bruises and bruises.

After 2 more weeks in the orphanage, Izuku actually thought he would come back to his mother as he always did, but nothing happened.

A few more weeks later, Izuku was sitting in his temporary room, drawing on his bed. He was scribbling more sketches of children in his notebook when the door opened with a faint creak.

A young woman entered the room with 2 men who were still unknown to Izuku. Mrs. ______ was Izuku's carer.

She explained the rules to him and let him know when there was breakfast, lunch or dinner - although Izuku only ate a little something in the morning - and asked him to play with other children, which didn't really work.

<< Hello Izuku. How are you? >> she asked with a typical smile. It wasn't a nice smile . . . not for Izuku. Izuku raised one of his eyebrows suspiciously and looked past her and looked at the two men who were busy staring at Izuku.

<< Oh, that's Hizashi Yamada and Shota Aizawa. >> She introduced the men and pointed first to a man with long blond hair who had a smile on his face and then to the other man who had long black hair and deep circles under his eyes that resembled Izukus.

A monotomous << Hello. >> came from Izuku, before he opened another page of his notebook and started the men to sketch. At the moment he was by the hair of the tired looking man, while the men were talking to the woman, but Izuku wasn't listening.

<< He paints very often and a lot, he already has a notebook almost full. >> She told Aizawa and Hizahi, a little worried, as she watched the little boy move.

<< What is he painting like that? >> asked Hizashi curiously and tried to look into the notebook, which is why Aizawa rammed his elbow into his side.

<< I am not allowed to look at it and he takes it into the bathroom himself, but I once saw that he painted a child from the home and added small notes with character traits, although they have not yet exchanged a word. He doesn't have friends either, the only thing he does is watch. >> she continued and giggled at the behavior of both of them.

<< So a problem child? >> asked Aizawa and looked annoyed at Hizashi, who was scratching his neck in embarrassment.

<< I'm going there. >> informed Hizashi optimistically. Slowly, so as not to frighten the boy, he walked up to him and sat on the other side of the bed.

<< Hey, little listener. >> he greeted Izuku who looked up from his notebook with a monotonous look. Hizashi glanced briefly at the drawing and saw that he was drawing sketches of himself and Aizawa, which were quite precise for an 8 year old who had only given them a quick glance.

<< Wow, that's nice. You have a lot of talent, little one. >> Izuku wasn't used to compliments, at least not from strangers he had just met, which is why he grimaced.

<< What-? . . . thanks. >> he mumbled shyly. He tried to ignore it, but he noticed how his cheeks were slowly but surely turning a light pink, yet his expression didn't change.


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