Chapter 21

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"Let me get this straight, you're going to become a ghost in thirty-six hours and there's absolutely nothing you can do?" Nick confirms with Brielle, since she's nearly a ghost, with Willie by his side. They've been basically inseparable for weeks, just enjoying each other's company, although they both wish it could go further than that. But, no physical intimacy for ghosts and all that crap.

"Unless I can figure out some other way to complete my unfinished business, then that's my fate." Brielle falls onto her bed, frustrated with life.

"So, according to your book, what are some other ideas about how she could complete her unfinished business?" Nick looks to Willie, who has been carrying around Caleb's pamphlet since he found it.

"Um, 'Complete a long-term task or goal', do you have any goals?" Willie reads the first option, but Brielle immediately shakes her head.

"Nothing. I mean, aside from the basics, graduate from high school and yada, yada, yada." Willie agrees with her dismissal of the idea.

"The next one is 'Rebuild relationships with family or friends'." Willie reads off the page

"Well, the only thing was that I wanted to see my sister, but that's already happened, and I wanted to rebuild my relationship with my brother, but both relationships are going really well."

"Alright, so that's off the list. Third, 'Forgive others for an action they made'." This one struck a chord in Brielle. If her parents hadn't died because of Caleb, she wouldn't have this constantly ticking clock in her mind.

"My parents died." Willie winces at the thought, but it strikes an interesting idea that he'll have to talk with the boys about. But, for right now, he needs to focus on Brielle.

"I'll scratch that one off the list. 'Forgive yourself' is the last one." She has a lot of things she still blames on herself, but to admit those things aloud is terrifying. "Brielle?"

"I mean, I keep blaming myself for not standing up to my parents. They hurt me for years. I mean, look." Brielle reveals the nasty bruise on her ribs, and both guys hold their own ribs at the sight of it.

"Your songs were all about your life? I thought you just created stories to write from." Nick stares at her, finally clicking all the pieces of her life in place. "That's why your sister took you in. Not because your parents went to jail."

"They went to jail because of this and a million other things just like it. It went on for ten years. At the beginning, it wasn't bad, just a couple stray blows when my parents were extra angry, but eventually I became terrified to even go home and I stayed at Julie's most nights to avoid them."

"I am so sorry." Nick gives her a hug, feeling genuinely sorry he had no idea what she was going through and just treating her like everyone else. Not a clue what she went through at home.

"So, do you think it could possibly be that you're not forgiving yourself for those years of abuse?" Willie asks as he engages in the hug as well.

"Maybe. But, I don't think I could ever forgive myself for what happened." Brielle takes a deep breath before letting go of the two of them to look her friends in the eyes. "Not because I am weak, but because I want to remind myself that I've come so far from that place of weakness. That I'm strong because of what I've been through and forgetting that feels wrong."

"Okay, I should oppose to your logic, but it is pretty sound." Willie shrugs, before coming up with another idea.

"What if, like, you have to tell the world what you've been through? Share your story. Show people that not getting out of an abusive situation is dangerous, and that there are always people who can support you, whether it be a lifelong friend or someone you just met." Willie spews out, impressing himself. "Woah, that was the coolest thing I've ever come up with."

"Okay, so that's a real option. I mean, I was supposed to die, but even then there were people who cared about me." Brielle expands on the idea, coming up with everything she would write, even if it doesn't feel like her unfinished business.

"Well, there's only thirty-six hours left, so you should start writing. Willie and I can go find something to do." Nick says, allowing Brielle to start writing her life story to share with the world. He and Willie poof away to the school, which has become their safe haven.

"You know, you're a good friend to Brielle." Willie slings an arm around his guy friend, as they walk into the gym where dance class is held. Mirrors line the wall, but there's no reflection of the two ghosts.

"I barely know her, but she was in music class with me and Julie and Flynn and Carrie, and her songs made everyone cry whenever she performed. I would give anything to go back to that time. I don't want to be a ghost, don't want to watch my body continue to be controlled by someone else, don't want to watch Brielle slowly die in front of my eyes." A few tears threaten to fall as Willie gives Nick a hug.

"Well, if that were the case, you wouldn't have met me." Willie smiles, causing one to form on Nick's face. "So, what is the big wall of mirrors for?"

"This is where dance class is held." Nick remembers dancing with Julie, just enjoying moving to the music, even if he never thought he was good at it.

"Well, I guess we should dance, then." Willie says, turning on the stereo to a pop track, and they let loose, enjoying the night. From pop to R&B to rock, they just keep dancing, never losing their breath. After they've run through the whole list of songs on the CD, they talk to fill up the silence.

"Are you ready to go back to your body?" Willie is the first to ask, just to break the ice.

"I mean, I am really looking forward to it, but I'll miss you, for sure." Nick interlocks his fingers into Willie's.

"Trust me, there are better things than being a ghost for the rest of time."

"Why don't you complete your unfinished business?" Nick wonders, looking at his friend.

"Because," Willie takes a deep breath, "I don't know what it would be. There's nothing I wanted to complete before I died."

"Are you sure?" Nick asks, but it's clear Willie wants to drop the subject when all he does is nod.

It's not until almost ten at night that they head back to Brielle's apartment to check on her that they see the final product of her writing, which is almost seven pages long, double-spaced. She put every confession on the line, every detail of every account, and didn't hide anything.

She wrote about her life before her sister left, the abuse, and the ghosts who saved her. Although most likely no one will believe her, she doesn't care whatsoever. It's her chance to let go of everything she's been holding in and just let go.

Dear World,

My name is Gabrielle Angelo, but most people call me Brielle. I am sixteen years old, from the City of Angels. Most of my life has been pretty insane, but I want to tell it all, so why don't we start from the beginning?

Author's Note: So, I definitely had something different planned for this chapter, but now I like it too much to change it. I'm going to write out the rest of her writing about her life, along with some other things in the next chapter, so prepare for some tears. Anyways, vote, comment, let me know you guys liked this chapter and have a good weekend!




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