the lover

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She lashed the blunt kitchen knife into his chest then loged the other one in his kidney. The blood leaked out onto her face and clothing. Then she kissed the dead pale mans face.
(I never loved you. )
she wispers.
(And I know you had pure fealings for me, But im positive that you would hert me one day. So I stabbed you be for you, stabbed me in the back.)
She twisted the knife in his chest and pulled out the other. More blood spurted put onto her face. Her lips cerved into a sinsiter grin, Then she licked of the blood off of her lips. She pulled out the one in his chest and stold up off of the now cold bloody body.
Then she took a shower in the mans house, And got dressed in his clothing and left the house.

The womans name was julia she had long blond hair and dark green eyes the man she just killed was her ex boyfriend. They were together for 2 weeks. This is one of meny victums of Julia's. All though she has never been found out not even a suspect in her killings.
Julia has a challenge with trusting men after her mom was beaten to death by her alcoholic father. Even though he was an asshole and a drinker, drugs was never his thing. After a fight she decided to get vengeance for her mom.
While he was asleep she ziptied him to a power saw table and waited 12 hours til he woke up the she watched him get riped up alive. Juliea knew she had to fled the state. Ever since that juliea has been running.

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