life is tradgic

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some things in life are too simple, like dating for example. you meet some one that makes your heart beat fast, you give them everything. And they fail to hold your expectations so you break up with them. Your heart grows cold and black and you develop a hate for humanity, humans leave a sour taste in your mouth. In search for something else you find something that is perfectly imperfect in every way.


It helps you cope with everything that comes to pass and creates folds in your life to help you remember those horrible HORRIBLE memory's. But just like most things in the illusion of life its to easy manipulate memory's to re-reprogram them, to fix the errors. but more about pain we can leave scars on our skin or are heart depending on your preference you can even inflict pain on others and sneer at the fact that they cant control there emotions like you can.

Kersa Jay chose to inflict pain on others. she had a weakness for utter disgusting cereal murders. her favorite one is the on she did back in 2009. Where she hung the bodys of two new weds and scattered the organs of there infant twins to lour the ravens to eat what was left in there backyard. no one ever found the significant display until weeks later. it was even sensoured on the news. but she was growing bored of killing them immediately, so she took live hostages and preformed various torcher techniques on her victims. she was never caught because unless the interacted with the humans she seemed to seize to exist. her motto was " if you look deep enough and try hard, to not be human. you can achieve something more..."  wen she takes one last mental picture with her burning emerald eyes she remembers what it was like when she first 'hurt' someone.

It was her second year of high school. Kersa had just found out that her love had been with someone else. With this passion of hate, she broke into his house at 4 am. Severd his head tieing it to the sealing fan for his parents to see first thing when they wake up. She still thinks that was a sloppy job, unorganized and definitely lacked artistic touch. But had a satisfactory after she never felt since that morning. She ran away from her home witch she loathed, and started a new life free from Morales. Driven by insanity and pure anger.

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