Chapter 4 (Year 1)

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A/N~ This part like the previous one shall overlook the whereabouts of Draupadi. It's hard to balance all the characters so please give me some time, I'm still a beginner.

Lol I'm not teaching geography here, this map is just for reference.Got this one from Wikipedia (so blame it & not me for the spelling mistakes). The ones in Sanskrit and Hindi were a little blurry that's why chose this one.

*This story is not the same as the epic but some smarties don't read the disclaimer, so it's for them*

My apologies^∞ if my way of portraying the charcters of Mahabharata has offended you.

Happy Reading!


"Progressing further"

With a newborn hope in their eyes, a wish to fulfill their promises and an inclination to restore righteousness they set out for the journey not before ensuring their mother's safety in the hut situated close to Rishi Durvasa's Ashram.


The aansh of Yamraj traveller towards the south-west, till the winds were heavy with the holy water of river Yamuna, there at the bank of the untamed river he passed his days praying to the twin of Yamraj, the benevolent and compassionate Devi Yamuna.

It was late autumn when they'd set out for this journey and a long time had passed since then, even the arrival of winter chills didn't stop him from performing the daily rituals in the strict ascetic discipline. It was the coldest day of the winter and as usual he descended the freezing waters when he was graced by the ethereal goddess; the creator of new life Devi Yamuna, who was dressed in greenish waves of her river and silvery pearl jewels and a gold rimmed pearl crown that adorned her hair.

She came forward, her lower abdomen still submerged in the gentle waves, raising her right hand to bless, she spoke in her soothing voice," I am pleased with your reverence O' son of Dharmaraj, let me grant you what you must be needing to perceive the ruler of the underworld, the god of justice, my brother---Yamraj."

With that being said the air near Yuddhistir materialized to form a white pearl encrusted on a pale blue shell.

Before he could ask any questions or say words of gratitude she interrupted,
"This shell shall lead you to the one you seek, it shall also grant you the celestial vision to bear his aura. But remember this shall last for a short duration."

Saying every word in a calm yet intimidating tone she disappeared in the water and the waves slowly regained their earlier flow. Yuddhistir stood there for a while registering the words of the goddess before deciding to follow the path the shell instructs.


Meanwhile, Bheem ventured towards south with a wish to reach The Gandhamadhan Parvat. Knowing that pleasing Vayudev would be a difficult job he resorted to a different plan, to seek for his half brother Pawanputra Hanuman.

Days flew by rapidly while he kept crossing deep and rapid streams, wide rivers and rugged hills occasionally relieved by patches of wooded forest which finally led him to a mystic snow-covered forest.

He wasn't even halfway through his path to Gandhamadhan Parvat when he got lost somewhere in the depths of this alpine forest.

Clueless but determined he continued to walk further until he came across a monkey who stubbornly laid its long tail on the snowy path.

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