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When we got to the police station we quickly went inside and Ashton brought us to a room and we all sat down. We had to explain what happened. Of course we didn't explain what happened before just me going to the door and finding the box.

"It seems like it has come to the stage where Lizzy is starting to become obsessed. She has started sending stuff to your house and we have evidence that she has been stalking you two for a while now. We have found out where she lives and we have some people out to arrest her right now." I grabbed Hellies hand and squeezed it in relief.

"That means we can stay at our house right? We don't have to go anywhere?" I asked.

"Right" Ashton nodded.

"Great!" I said and kissed Hellies cheek

A police officer walked into the room and pulled Ashton out for a minute I looked at Hellie confused but she just shrugged. Ashton came into the room with a sigh.

"So er I am sorry to tell you this but Lizzy seems to have got away."

"Got away!?" I scoffed starting to get annoyed. "How did she just get away!?"

"She must have known you were going to the police," Ashton said and I scoffed.

"Well probably! she's stalking us of course she would know that! How did you not know this!? Isn't this your job or something!?" I was now standing up and pacing around. "Can we still live in our house!?" I asked.

"You can but I recommend and it would be a lot safer if you stayed at a safe house since she threatens to harm you two," Ashton said calmly.

"How can you just let her get away!?" I yelled. Helena stood up and walked over to me.

"Darling calm down. breathe." She tried to calm me but it wasn't working.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I am 4 months three weeks and I don't even know how many days pregnant with twins and I want to be able to bring them to their home when we get out of the hospital! We still have the nursery to do! How are we supposed to do that when we're not even at home!? And then we have to get the house ready for the twins! We have so much stuff to get done and the only way that it can get done is if we are at home! But now we can't even go home without putting ourselves in danger and there is no way in hell I am putting our children in danger either! So I need you to start working you're ass off to find Lizzy and lock her up before these babies come out of me or I will go full-on angry pregnant lady on you! And trust me you do want that to happen!" I yelled. The room was silent for a minute.

"We will do the best we can to have her locked up before your babies come. I promise you that." Ashton said.

"Okay great!" I said and sat down on the couch, smiling. Hellie sat down next to me and grabbed my hand slightly concerned about my quick mood changes.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine" I chuckled. Ashton left the room to go talk to some officers again. "Sorry for yelling at you. You were just trying to help." I apologized.

"It's okay my love." She smiled and kissed me.

"Okay, I have good news!" Ashton said coming into the room.

"Finally!" I groaned.

"You guys can stay at your house! But there will be highly trained security guards at all your doors at all times and we will be setting up cameras for your house. Just to make sure you guys are safe. Don't worry you guys will get your privacy they will only come in if they knock and you guys let them in. And when you guys leave bodyguards will be following you but from far behind so you guys can walk or drive or do whatever in peace without causing a scene everywhere you go. I would highly recommend doing this if you aren't going to the safehouse!" Ashton said. I looked at Hellie and she nodded giving me the yes she's okay with it.

"So we would still be safe?" I asked.

"Yes," Ashton nodded. "If Lizzy tried anything then the security guards would arrest her."

"Okay, then we will do that." I smiled.

"Then you guys can go home. Flower is in the hallway laying the dog bed. Remember if you get any anonymous text messages or calls tell the security guards right away we can track them down and get her that way."

"Okay great! Thank you, Ashton." I said hugging her.

"No problem" she chuckled and hugged me back. I pulled away and turned towards Hellie with a smile she was glaring daggers at Ashton. It's like they were having a stare-down fighting over me.

"Ooookay. Hellie let's go home!" I squealed and pulled her out of the room "you good that was an intense staredown. You looked like you could have killed her" I chuckled. Hellie crossed her arms.

"I could have. I don't like her! You should have seen the smirk she gave me when you hugged her!" Hellie groaned obviously pissed off.

"I'm sorry love. Let's just go home. I can read a book to you!" I said grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles she blushed and nodded.

"I would love that dear." She mumbled.

We got Flower and put her on her leash and then we were escorted out of the police station. The whole car ride home was silent but a good silent. I was eyeing the black car that had four bodyguards in it they were following us and behind them were the two cars full of security guards.

When we got home we quickly walked inside while the Security guards got out and started setting up the cameras and stuff. While the bodyguards drove around the small neighborhood just to get used to it.

We went up to our bedroom since we were excausted. Then changed into comfy clothes I grabbed the book that I have been reading to Hellie here lately and got more comfortable as did Hellie. The babies started moving around and kicking. I groansd and rubbed my stomach.

"Stop moving you two! You should be happy you guys get to come here after your born! Your welcome by the way!" I chuckled. The babies stopped moving I sighed in victory and started reading to Hellie as she rubbed my stomach and gave me and my stomach kisses every now and then.

Word count: 1133

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