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"So you'll do anything Bakugou needs you too huh?" Ochako asked as they packed up to leave. Yuki got to spend time with her other grandmother and older siblings, even if the girl couldn't yet smile. She could tell that her little Yuki was happy...and for once, she didn't even cry!

Midoriya rolled his eyes as he buckled up his daughter and grabbed his keys waving to his mother and other children. They walked out the door, Yuki's carrier in his hand "Yes, I left him while pregnant, it's the least I can do"

"What if..what if he asks for you back?"

"Can you stop being jealous over him? Ochako we're getting married—married in 6 months...meaning we're going to finally mate in 6 months, I don't intend on leaving any time soon"

"Unless some omega does what I did to you" she thought frowning.

She felt the car lurch and she looked over eyes wide "What?! Why'd you stop?!"

Midoriya gripped the steering wheel and kept going "...you did something to me?" He asked looking over, eyes narrowed.

Ochako gulped 'I said that out loud didn't I?' She thought and actually thought it this time. "I...I just kissed back"

The alpha snarled "speak" he commanded.

"I used a scent trick okay!" She huffed, then clamped a hand over her mouth.

Yeah, she had.

She had called him in the middle of the night desperate for a knot since her and her ex spilt. She hadn't intended on it working, she got him drunk and used her pheromones to sway him, knowing perfectly well that he wasn't mated, and that it was free game when it came to this stuff.

He was the alpha she always wanted and couldn't find him anywhere else....so she is what she had to do...of course she realized she was ruining a relationship. She thought the relationship wasn't well due to how many angry calls she gotten from him about some stupid argument. Granted she probably should've put together that the blond omega was expecting and it tripled his emotions.

"Scent trick?"

She decided to play it off as something thinking he didn't know, and she was right. "I used my scent to get you to talk to me...and maybe take me on a date the week after"

Midoriya raised a brow "So you manipulated me?"

She fiddled with her fingers "Well...yes...kind of...I really wanted you to kiss me and you weren't going to...so I used desperate measures"

The alpha nodded slowly and chuckled lightly seeming to move on from the earlier topic. Ochako let out a sigh of relief and smiled, "I'm sorry Izuku" she reached out and gently touched his arm.

He sighed "Its fine" he tightened his grip on the wheel some, definitely leaving marks on his hands and leaned back into the chair, heading home.

The rest of the car ride was silent and Ochako was glad for it.


Bakugou sat in his minivan cruising down a highway going to pick up his idiot and forgetful boyfriend while wearing a stunning blouse. He had an irk mark near his forehead and his hands were clenched on the wheel.

He would've rather wore anything else, literally anything else. But Aoyama found a fabric that he really really wanted to use and kept telling him that his body was feminine like. To which he was replied he was an omega and was shut down and said he'd have one anyway. So he was forced to model this ridiculous outfit. Aoyama loved it (of course he did) while he despised it. (No surprise there)

He glanced back to the spools of fabric laying in the car seats and on the ground and tsked. He'd make use of them later.

Suddenly he got a call, he looked down and a small smile made its way to his face without realizing as he saw his beta boyfriend. He answers with a hum.

"Hey baby!" Kaminari began "so I'm actually at Sero's looking at the twins! They're really adorable, might even rival the quads! you should really come over!"

He tsked "No one beats my babies in anything" he muttered but the sighed "Yeah I'll be there...you got a ride?"

"Yeah, Kirishima was actually nearby and he was heading to see the twins anyway. I just hitched a ride is all"

Bakugou sighed and made a U-turn once getting off the highway. He began to make his way to the married Beta and Omega couple.

Once arriving at the condominium, Bakugou could've sworn he saw his pink haired friend rush into the door. He grumbled to himself getting out the car and locking it. Making his way to the door.

Knocking twice, the door swung open and Shoto stood there with a small smile "Oh...Bakugou...hello" he said stepping aside.

He hummed in acknowledgment and headed inside "Heard you had the brats"

"Yeah...I didn't expect to have twins..Hanta and I only have clothes for one baby..."

"You didn't check?"

"No, I wanted it to be a surprise...that and to spite my father"

"Ah, of course" the blond omega hummed. "Well congrats halfie..."

"Thank you" he said smiling, he shut the door and showed him where the adults were. They were all in the nursery. The taller omega headed to his husband with a hum, kissing his cheek gently, and looking down at Hiroshi who was in his arms.

Bakugou followed after him and chuckled seeing Kaminari, Mina and Kirishima coo over Hibiki. He walked over to them to take a peek at them.

They weren't half bad to look at, definitely were a perfect mix of their parents. Kaminari looked up from where he was surrounding the baby. He smiled brightly and motioned him over, reaching and grabbing the omega's hand once he got closer. He kissed his cheek gently "hey"

"Mm" he leaned into him "Cute kid...." He admitted "Couldn't beat my babies though"

Kaminari laughed and hummed "Yeah...they're pretty cute" he mused looking up at his boyfriend. He then realized what he was wearing and his eyes widened "Kat...." He said pointing, snickering to himself.

"I know, shut up. Aoyama wanted me to model an outfit"

"So you wore it here?"

"I had nothing else to wear okay?"

Kaminari covered a snicker and nodded motioning over to his lanky beta friend. Sero looked up and chewed his lip to stop from laughing. He walked over and patting his shoulder "Come on, I'm sure Shoto has some clothes you could wear"

Bakugou simply tsked but followed after the tall male. He changed into a simply white shirt and some jeans that were slightly loose on him. So they hung low on his hips, showing the band of his underwear when he lifted his shirt. When he walked back out the room he heard commotion in the living room and headed that way.

He stopped and snarled spotting the green haired alpha and brown haired omega with a small baby. Shoto was chatting to Izuku while Mina was talking to the other omega.

Midoriya glanced over smelling his scent and sighed 'We need to talk...' he mouthed. Bakugou raised a brow but sighed turning to head back into the room.

Midoriya waited a bit before going in after him.

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