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Soon, a month or so later, the first day of Kindergarten started for the quads, and boy were they excited.

It took a total of 2 hours to get them to calm down. Which only causes problems in getting the dressed, fed and ready. But their omegan mother managed it, of course he did. He was the best mother so it was natural.

The 6 year olds all seem to wake up around 5, rushing into their mother's (now shared) room with the intent on waking him up to help them.

Bakugou woke up with a few curses on his tongue but it went away realizing his children were serious about getting ready right then and there.

So they took baths, ate, got their clothes on, picking out their clothes for tomorrow and sat on the couch watching tv as they waited for the time they were supposed to leave.

Bakugou sighed to himself and ran his fingers through his hair after putting the last dish away. He chuckled lightly glancing back at his eagerly excited babies. He headed up to his room going to put on something nice as well.

Kaminari glanced up at him and smiled brightly walking over and kissing him gently. "Finally up?" He asked

The ash blond let out a small huff like chuckle and nodded leaning into him, as the shorter wrapped his arms around him. "I don't think I've ever seen kids this excited before"

"Ah well, the quads tend to get excited easily don't you think?"

"Definitely" he mused, he then let out a small groan placing a hand on his stomach. He had been feeling sick lately and didn't know if it was just a simply flu or he caught something else.

The beta rubbed his back gently "Feel like throwing up?" He asked, when he saw his boyfriend nod he lead him to the bathroom and waited until he finished vomiting to clean him up. "I'll go check on the kids" he told him "I'll have some medicine out for you when you head down"

The blond nodded again and sighed hovering over the toilet bowl. A small thought seemed to appear and his eyes widened. No...no....he couldn't be, it was to early...and besides, he wasn't even sure if he wanted another. He just hoped he got the flu.


Kaminari headed down the stairs with a smile "Hey guys!" He said heading over "Ready for your first day?!"

"Yes!" Atsuki said getting off the couch and hugging him tightly. The small girl was wearing a black t-shirt and folded overalls. She even put in a matching black bow on her ponytail.

Denki laughed and hugged her back "You guys are going to do great, be sure to make plenty of friends..and listen to your teacher"

"We know dad" Atsuki said giggling.

Kachi got up and smiled "Mommy said the same thing" the mini doppelgänger was wearing a pink blouse with frills on the sides that said Love. Her mother paired the top with a pleated skirt that had 3 hearts, one pink one on the left and a yellow and brown heart on the right. She was wearing slip on sandals just like her sister.

The beta hummed "Mommy dressed you?" he asked curiously, "it looks very nice" He smiled. Both girls nodded and smiled back.

"Is...mommy almost done...?" He heard the quiet voice of the oldest from across the room and saw him curled in the chair. The boy was wearing a blue sweater with dinosaurs all over it, he had brown shorts and some white shoes. He had a blanket over his lap as he glanced over at the beta.

The beta smiled softly at Ichiro and shrugged "I don't know Buddy, mommy doesn't really feel well"

He gasped and sat up, slightly alert "What happened?" He asked, eyes showing worry.

Koushi hummed "I'm sure mommy's fine" he told his other brother "Mommy's always fine!" He assured. The boy was eating a granola bar, making Kaminari gasp.

"Koushi!" He scolded "Your mom's going to be so mad if he finds out you got your outfit dirty" he walked over and brushed off the crumbs on his navy blue shirt, he had on pink shorts slightly matching his sister. He had on dark blue shoes as well.

He huffed and wiped his mouth placing his half eaten bar down "But I'm not messy!" He whined looking down "See, nothings on me"

"Cause I just wiped it off"

The boy pouted and crossed his arms looking away causing the beta to laugh and pat the boys shoulder. He hummed grabbing the bar and going to put it in a baggie for now. "You guys already have your lunches packed too?" He asked.

Koushi giggled, already out of his mood and nodded "Mm! Mommy gave me gummy's!"

Atsuki gasped and looked over "You for gummy's?! I want gummy's...dad!" She said looking over at him.

Kachi frowned "Wait! I want gummy's too!"

Kaminari sighed "I'm sure you all got some—"

Atsuki nearly shrieked "No!" She said, she had gone to look in her bento box and found no gummy's. Only some Katsudon from last night, juice, some chips and a bar of chocolate (that she 'hadn't' begged her mother for the night before.)

"No fair!" Kachi whined "Mommy gave you chocolate?!" She showed her own box, showing off perfectly cut triangle sandwiches (which she loves) juice, chips and some fruit.

Koushi huffed "You have chocolate you can't be mad!" He exclaimed.

Bakugou heard the commotion and sighed heavily as he headed down the stairs "What is it now?" He asked standing in the living room. The 3 looked at him and began to complain, their voices overlapping each other as they tried to reason why they should've gotten what they wanted.

The omega sighed, he didn't have the time for this. He ran his fingers through his hair and shook his head "Shh!" He said cutting them all off "Today's the first day of school, I do not want to hear any arguing or issues when we're heading there, while you're there and when you get back. Understand?"

They nodded slowly and frowned

"Now, you just want things to be fair? How about no one gets chocolate and no one gets gummy's?"


"Ah ah" he said shaking his head "unless you can agree, and share the food at lunch you can keep it. Do you guys understand?"

They nodded again, small smiles on their faces as they turned to each other and agreed on something. Bakugou hummed and smiled himself "Okay, school should start in about an hour. Come on let's go" he said, heading to the garage, he grabbed his keys and counted as each child rushed past him holding their lunch boxes and carrying their backpacks as they all shuffled into the car.

Kaminari came after them and smiled leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek "taking the medicine when you get back?" He asked

Bakugou shook his head "No... I know what it is...I just checked" he said smiling.

Kaminari smiled in return and got in the car, his boyfriend right behind him.

Betas aren't so bad {especially the electric ones}Where stories live. Discover now