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~At the teacher's lounge~

"Why isn't Jungkook coming to see me?" One of the teachers named Seokjin asked, sucking on his lollipop afterward.

The other teacher named Yoongi replied, "maybe it's because you stole a dollar from him to buy a lollipop."

Still sucking on the lollipop, Seokjin winked at Yoongi, his answer being correct. Another one of the teachers named Hoseok said jokenly, "you should be ashamed of yourself, stealing money from your own nephew."

Seokjin pulled the lollipop out of his mouth and looked at it while pouting a little then said, "now I feel bad." Suddenly, the door was opened by Taehyung. He said, "hello everyone! We have a new teacher here with us today, also known as my assistant."

Taehyung stepped aside and in walked Jimin. "Hello, I'm Park Jimin." He said, trying to look at everyone in the room, including other teachers that were there.

They greeted him in return. Seokjin sucked the lollipop another time then pulled it out before he got up, slowly making his way to Jimin, putting on a fake serious expression, "welcome Mr. Park, there's gonna be a few rules you have to follow."

He was now standing in front of Jimin and continued, "rule number one, do not listen to the list of rules that I'm about to tell you because there are none, so therefore there's nothing to listen to, so,"

He dropped the serious act and smiled brightly. "Welcome once again! I hope you enjoy your first day here Mr. Park."

Jimin responded with a smile, "I already am." Seokjin's smile reached his eyes and said, "I'm glad!"

♡ Krua's POV ♡

Krua stood in line at the cafeteria, waiting for the girl in front of her. After the girl received her order, Krua stepped up closer and made her order for breakfast.

After she received it, she walked over to an empty bench and sat there. Then suddenly, her attention caught of a boy playfully running after a teacher, Seokjin. "Uncle Seokjin!" The boy yelled while running.

The boy then stopped in his tracks and Seokjin went to the cafeteria. The boy yelled again jokenly, "you owe me 50,000 dollars plus a new set up! And you're on timeout for 5 minutes so I won't be visiting you until the timer's up!"

Seokjin turned around after purchasing his lollipop and argued, "who do you think you are? You can't give me a time out when I'm older than you, and I got permission from you to steal it!"

The boy replied, "time out Uncle Seokjin! See you in five minutes!" He then walked to the nearest bench which was where Krua sat and he sat across from her.

As Seokjin walked by with the lollipop he just bought, he said to Jungkook, "because of that I'm not paying you back."

"You know you will." The boy cutely eye smiled at Seokjin who did the same in return before he left. Krua kept facing down at her breakfast and the boy looked at her for a few moments before he spoke, "I've never seen you around before, new here?"

Krua looked at him and nodded with a polite, closed mouth smile, still chewing her food. The boy said, "Jungkook's the name, what's yours?"

Krua answered after swallowing, "Krua." Jungkook complimented, "that's a nice name." Krua replied, "thank you."

"Well, I hope you're having a nice first day, I should get going now, I'll see you around Krua." He said to her with a smile then immediately got up.

Jimin and Taehyung were already coming from the direction behind Krua, so they past by Jungkook who was just leaving.

Krua was already looking at Jimin, only seeing the back of him because he was walking the opposite direction. He then suddenly looked back at her while still walking along side Taehyung and winked, quickly turning back around after.

She looked down and smiled to herself. She wasn't sure if he did that for fun because he saw another boy talking to her or he really was just trying to make her shy as always. He did kind of admitted on their first date that he liked teasing her.

After some time, the bell rung for first period. Krua looked at her homeroom number on her timetable then headed there.

She opened the door to her classroom, feeling a bit nervous. The teacher wasn't there yet and so students were talking, laughing and doing their own things.

Krua looked at the paper stuck up on the wall which showed their assigned seats. She saw that her seat was assigned behind Jungkook, which made her wonder if it was the same Jungkook from the cafeteria.

Krua went to her assigned seat and sat down. Immediately after that, the door opened, and a teacher and Jungkook walked in. Jungkook headed straight to his seat.

Krua recognized it was the teacher who was running away from Jungkook at the cafeteria.

"Good morning everyone!" The teacher Seokjin said while he walked to his desk, holding his stuff. They all greeted him in return. Except Krua heard Jungkook say 'uncle Seokjin' unlike other classmates who used 'Mr. Kim' or 'Mr. Seokjin'.

Seokjin stood at his desk while looking at the class and said, "so today we have a new student here with us." He then looked at Krua and asked, "Krua, would you mind standing up just so that everyone sees you?"

Krua stood up and Seokjin said, "class, please welcome the one and only, drum roll please."
Seokjin closed his eyes and students hit their desks, making the drum roll sound.

When it was finished, Seokjin opened his eyes and said, "Krua Best!" The whole class then clapped and cheered. Krua couldn't help but smile at their welcoming.

After that short amount of commotion, Seokjin looked at Krua and said, "you may sit now. So, I'll introduce myself. Krua, I'm Mr. Kim Seokjin and I'm your homeroom teacher. If you have any problems, feel free to come to me anytime."

Krua gave Seokjin a smile and nodded, he also smiled at her in return. He then sat down at his desk and said while looking at the class, "roll call!"

His eyes focused down at his
notepad while he held his pen. "Here!" Jungkook suddenly said with a bright smile while raising his hand up.

Seokjin's eyes were still focused down at the notepad and said loud enough for everyone to hear, "okay, so Jeon Jungkook is not here today." He then marked in the notepad.

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