Just how I've been feeling👌

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These days I've been feeling overwhelmed about P.E. Teacher. It's hard to explain my feelings, I just feel like I shouldn't have continued writing the story. I love writing and putting my stories out there for people to read, these days I just feel sort of weird. Idk why but I just feel like the story isn't going anywhere and I should just quit. Idk what these feelings are, I'm really confused. I felt comfortable writing this to my readers, letting you guys know how I've truly been feeling. I love putting my stories out there and reading your comments. I just feel like P.E. Teacher shouldn't have been continued, I feel overwhelmed. I just want back the excitement I felt when I started continuing, now I feel sort of nervous and overwhelmed. I want to continue, but these nervous feelings are really getting to me, it's so annoying!

So ya! You don't have to comment on this, I just wanted to be honest with you guys and get this off my chest. I'm NOT discontinuing P.E. Teacher, I just wanted to express my nervous feelings that I want to leave. I hate feeling like this. I just want to write. It's actually sort of refreshing/satisfying when I publish a new chapter cuz it's nice to know that I'm making something that others can enjoy. I hope I explained all of this well.

Whoa I just realized I wrote two long paragraphs lol

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