SWORD Meeting

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A/N: This story is written with a gender neutral reader in mind. We also don't know much about SWORD yet as of writing, so I made the members up.

The fire flickers around you as you make your way through the old tunnels. You reckoned these had been here since medieval times, most likely used for smuggling. The tunnels were entirely lit by torches, and you were holding one as well since the ones present were hardly reliable to keep burning. You had made the mistake to trust the ones before you to keep them lit before. Never again.

A few more twists and turns lead you to the door you had been looking for. It was huge and very worn from the age. The wood had started to rot and the metal was rusted. You wouldn't guess it had been used in any recent decades, which was exactly the point.

You knocked the pre-established pattern and waited. The sound of a chair moving was heard from the other side, followed by rather heavy footsteps. The door swung open revealing a rather old-looking man, who flashed a toothy smile at you. "(Y/N)! Come in, take a seat. You're the last one so we can start this meeting."

The man held the door open wider to allow you to enter. You greeted him with a nod and smile. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Garp." you told him before entering the dimly lit room. The lighting here was also done with torches, seeing as there was no electricity preset here.

As you sat down, you looked around the room. The light made it hard to see, but you knew the general shape of your comrades well enough to be able to distinguish between them. Your eyes fell on the person next to you first. It was a boy, slightly younger than you, with pink hair and his round glasses were propped up on his head, resting on his signature green, flowered bandana. His name was Koby and he was a generally awkward guy, but he seemed to be gaining more confidence as of late.

Your eyes glided down to the next person, which happened to be Koby's best friend, Helmeppo. He had long blond slick hair and always wore these weird sunglasses for some reason. You assumed he saw basically nothing in this room with this dim light. Next to Helmeppo, Garp took his place at the table again.

Lastly, your eyes landed on Drake. He was dressed completely in leather and his ginger hair was sticking out wildly from his head. With his 'x'-shaped scar on his chin, he looked rather dangerous. He stuck out like a sore thumb from the rest of them. But then again, so did you. You weren't dressed in your usual fitting either, your clothes were edgier than you were used to. You'd stand out in a normal crowd for sure. There was a good reason for the two of you to be dressed like this though.

This small gathering of people represented the whole SWORD organization. SWORD was a sub-section of the marines, specialized in taking down gangs. The island you lived on was rather notorious for gang fights, with the small towns warring with each other over territories, money, and power. It could get ugly from time to time. The marines could hardly handle it all since they were so uninformed about the general dealings of these gangs. This is where SWORD came in.

"Drake, any updates you can give us?" Garp asked. The ginger-haired male sighed. "Nothing much really, they're all just keeping to their normal comings and goings. Nothing strikes me as particularly odd or anything. As promised I am keeping my eyes on the Hawkins Troupe and the On Air Gang. All I know about them is in the report I gave last week."

Drake was an undercover agent, posing as a gang leader, while in reality he works for SWORD, and his 'gang' are marines that were under his command before he joined SWORD. They were seemingly doing a good job so far, they hadn't been found out and from what you could tell from your end, they weren't raising any suspicion either.

Garp sighed, disappointed by the lack of new information. Nothing to do about it, he realized it was lucky you all knew as much as you did by now. His gaze landed on you, and you could feel the rest do the same. After all, it was obvious you were the next to report.

"Kid is talking about some meeting being organized by the Straw Hats. He got invited to their hideout. It seems he has plans for some kind of alliance. Eustass isn't too happy about it though. He'll probably go just to see what it is about or if it could benefit him. I am trying to convince him to let me come, so I can go and try to gather more info about the Straw Hats". Your undercover work as one of Eustass Kid's gang members had been fruitful. You had an opportunity to learn more about the gang from the inside, but it put you in an equally dangerous situation as Drake.

Garp looked at you thoughtfully, going over the information you had given him in order to form a plan of action. "What on earth is that grandson of mine planning..." he muttered. He blamed himself for letting Luffy, his grandson, stray from the path and become a gang leader. It took a toll on him and it worried the lot of you. A sigh left the older man's mouth. "(Y/N), make sure you get in on that meeting. Avoid raising suspicion by showing too much interest. Your safety comes first."

You nodded in a reply and made a mental note to pester Kid about it later. He usually didn't mind having you around and if you could convince him somehow that your presence there would be invaluable, you'd be sure to get a ticket in.

Garp then directed himself at Drake. "Hawkins and Apoo's gangs have been seen in each other's territories more often. It's getting suspicious. Can you try to figure out if they got anything alliance-like going on as well? They never got along like this." Drake also just nodded as a response. He was always very dutiful.

The rest of the meeting consisted of general discussions of gang activity, most of the reports coming from Koby since he was prepared for this formality. It was important for both Drake and you to keep up with the numbers and statistics on the marine's side since you could easily get lost on what is going on outside the gangs you were tied to.

The group then slowly left, one by one, as to not raise suspicion when you re-entered the normal streets. Drake's eyes met yours as Koby was the next one to leave the room. "Hasn't Kid gotten too much of a pain yet?" he asked.

Eustass Kid was indeed notorious for his temper and bad manners. He was far from easy to get along with. There had been numerous times where you had to keep calm and protect your cover as he did business in a way that would make your stomach turn.

"He is a pain to handle, but I got it. He seems to trust me well enough." you explained. Drake chuckles a little. "According to the rumors, it's surely more than that." he said. "Around my territory there is tell of him having a soft spot for you, keeping you as close as he can. One could say he seems to have a small crush on you."

You rolled your eyes. He seemed to be taking the opportunity to try and tease you about your situation, but you weren't the one to just take that. "I am just doing what I have to do to make our operation work. If that means pretending to date one Eustass Kid, so be it." Oh yeah, you had dug yourself a deep hole while infiltrating the Metal Fist Gang. The redhead leading the gang didn't trust people, so you had to get close to him to win his trust. Seemed like you had gotten yourself a bit too close.

"Be careful, (Y/N). He's probably one of the most dangerous to be around. Don't get yourself hurt." he said in a way that made you feel like he was berating a child. You got up from your seat as it was your turn to leave. "Don't worry, Drake" you started, saying his name in a mocking way to match his tone. "I know how to take care of myself. You're the one that should be careful." And with those words, you left and made your way through the tunnels again.

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