Chapter 21. An extroardinary party

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The sun was shining brightly over the horizon. Birds tweeted harmoniously on the window sill and pecked on the glass, generating a joyful tune. There was barely a gloomy cloud in sight over the entire journey from my house to the East end.

So you could already tell it was going to be a bad day.

I haven't even had breakfast.

With my fuse just a millimeter away from blowing, I stomped up the stairs with a particular red coat in my hand. Upon my entry to the office, I thieved an unsuspecting victim's coffee mug and drank the contents. It burned my throat on the way down but it certainly fueled my hate fire.

All that fuss, all that trouble, for this. William and Stephen broke their backs watching the pub for an entire day! I could've counted numbers up to two years ago with the time I lost.

I pushed down the handle to Deckard's office.

Locked, I see.

I didn't hesitate to kick it open.

Lo and behold, the coat-owner stood over his desk, the owner of this establishment who was looking at her. Except, she wasn't exactly standing over his desk. She had bent herself over his desk and pulled him by the lapels of his jacket to plant disgustingly erotic smooches on his lips.

By that time, my fuse blew and I exploded. The red coat suddenly flung out of my hands right on top of their conjoined heads.

"Your fucking stolen package!" I yelled but made sure to keep it lower than loud. Just a notch lower.

In response, the woman acted startled and jerked away from Deckard's statue-like self. "Oh. I apologize you had to see that." She rubbed the outlines of her lips to erase her smudged lipstick.

I fake-laughed, the nasally-active one I practiced by impersonating my sisters. "No, you don't."

She fake-smiled and looked at the coat like spilled blood on the floor. "Unfortunately, I sprained my back yesterday." She didn't have to chase a man through an alleyway whilst dodging obstacles.

I clenched my jaw in fury. "Do you want me to break it?"

"Pick it up."

"Your back?" I was sincerely angry-lost at the moment.

There was silence. A silence that answered my confusion. It seemed that with the way Deckard was calmly looking at me,  he'd also expected I picked it up.

"You can't be serious." I seethed.

"I suggest you get on with it, Emma. You have a day's work to catch up on. Right, love?" She crossed her arms and leaned on his desk, subtly turning her head to wait for Deckard's response.

It was silent.

"That usually means yes." She jerked her chin at me then to the coat.

Yes, I knew. Biting on my inner lip to suppress my murderous intent, I walked towards the coat beside her and picked it up, all the while being watched by a hyena who managed to tame a lion.

The blades felt like it burnt through the fabric, dying to come out. For the sake of keeping my job, I willed for them to stay still.

I clutched the coat in my hand and held it in front of her. When my eyes met hers, I realized that the little girl had a little fire in her. She latched onto the collar of my shirt and threatened me. "I know you're actually a woman."

How special was this woman for Deckard to reveal anything?

Little did she know for the time I've worked here, I started to be resistant to fire. With her court shoe, she attained an exorbitant height and I had to look up to reach her eyes. "Then you know I don't need a man to buy me a coat."

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