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your pov

so you were staying at Jujutsu high and quickly made a lot of new friends

you really got along with Nobara and became really good friends

one day after you went to sleep you had a dream. in your dream you remembered when you were a kid you met an old man who could also see curses like you. you remembered how he was always training you and you spent a lot of time with him.
but one day you came to his house to find him laying on the kitchen floor
you called into the hospital and an ambulance quickly came
sadly they were too late

you woke up crying and panting from the dream you just had

you remembered all good times you had with him.

After you stopped crying you just went back too sleep still a bit sad thinking of him.

in the morning you had breakfast and after it Gojo asked you to talk with him

"y/n do you want to go on a mission alone ?" he said

you got really happy and quickly replied with "yes ofc"

he continued "well this evening im going to take you to an abandoned hospital today some of the students went by it and felt a curses presence so we wanted to ask you if you wanted to exorcise it since your cursed energy is very powerful"

you nodded and said "ofc i wanna go on a mission alone sensei"

" y/n you have to be careful tho it could be a special grade one because of how much energy it gave of" he said

you told him you would be careful and walked to your dorm thinking how much people must trust you to send you on a mission alone


soooo i really like this chapter ngl
its longer than the others are
i hope you guys like it :]

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