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your pov

what the fuck just happened
you were supposed to kill the curse not become friends with it omg

you were walking back to jujutsu high when something came flying at you

it was an energy ball

you tried to dodge it but fail

wow how did i fuck that up

the energy ball hit you and you fell to the floor

you got up and saw the curse

"seriously ? another one ?" you tought

just before you could form an energy ball it hit you again

you fell to the floor but got up again

but suddenly something hit the curse from behind and it died

"huh" you tought

ofc it was him. who else than mahito

"i heard some rumbling so i came to check" he said

"oh thank you for help" you replied to him

"but i really have to go now im sorry" you said running of still embarrassed from that kiss earlier

time skip

you got back to jujutsu high and gojo was already waiting for you

"y/n what took you so long" he asked concerned

"oh um it was a special grade curse so it took some time to kill it and I was also hungry so i went to get some food" you said

i mean you couldn't tell him that you became friends with a curse right ?

"oh okay then, well good job for completing the mission y/n" he said

"oh thanks"

you just couldn't tell him that you didnt even kill the curse and even become friends with it

you went to your dorm and on your dorm and got ready for bed

you were still on your phone

unknown number

hi y/n

hi ? do i know you

oh yeah its me mahito
i took your phone earlier
and remembered your number

oh okay then

do you wanna hang out sometime

oh yeah sure why not


Well im going to sleep see ya

oh okay goodnight

goodnight :)


i- how the heck did he get my number

oh well it doesn't matter

you were still surprised about what happened earlier today

you still wasnt sure if it was a dream or something but you fell asleep not too long after


sorry for not updating the story
i was on vacation
and didnt really have motivation
ima try to update it more
and thank you everyone for over 500 views on this story

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