Chapter Seven: Catching up

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Chapter Seven: Catching up

Opal's P.O.V. 

I looked down at the necklace, gawking. If this was the real necklace, the drawings weren't just fairy tales. They were as real as the fur on my body. I swallowed hard. Should I tell anyone?

An old ladder swung down into the hole. I snapped out of my train of thought and looked over at it. Shadow and the Houndoom he was with earlier were holding it. 

"Grab on!" he said. 

I threw the necklace around my neck. It was hard to grab onto the ladder without actual hands. I ended up biting one stick and throwing my front legs over the other. My back paws rested on the bottom stick. 

"And... pull!" Shadow said. The Houndoom and him began to pull me up. It seemed like the Houndoom was doing most of the work, though. They pulled me onto the ground, and I jumped off of the ladder. I smiled. 

"T-thanks!" I said. "I would've never gotten out without you!"

"Ah, it was nothing," said Shadow. I could tell he was blushing under his fur. The Houndoom stayed silent. I looked over at it. 

"What's your name?" I asked. 

It stared at me for a few seconds; as if it was examining me. It nodded. "ShadowBurn," it said. I could tell by its tone that it was a female. 

"Well, thanks!" I said. "C-can we go back to camp now-"

"Woah!" Shadow said. I noticed he was staring at the necklace. "What is that?"

"I don't know," I answered. "I found it in the ruins."

"I recommend not playing with it," ShadowBurn said. "Bring it to your leader and let them deal with it. You found it; let them handle the rest."

"But where's the fun in that?" Shadow asked. 

"Shadow, don't argue with her," I murmured to him. "Let's just take it to Karma. It's best we not mess with it."

"Your friend is wise," she said. "You should listen to her if you wanna learn a thing or two."

Shadow looked like he was about to retaliate. But instead, he just nodded. I sighed. I couldn't help but realize hat ShadowBurn was barely smiling. Barely. 


ShadowBurn escorted us back to camp. Ever and Willow ran over to us. Willow hugged Shadow, and Ever nuzzled me. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Why were you gone for so long?" he asked. 

"It's a long story..." I said. 

His eyes trailed towards ShadowBurn; who was standing behind us. She bowed her head in respect. "You must be the deputy," she said. "Your daughter fell into some ancient ruins in which roof finally gave out."

Ever's eyes clouded with concern. "Are you okay?" he asked me. 

"I'm fine," I said. "Most of the pain is gone by now... How long were we gone anyways?"

"You missed lunch."


Mercy came over to us, a smile on her face. She licked my fur affectionately. "I was so worried about you," she whispered in my ear. My mom straightened her posture. "Let's get you some lunch."

I smiled and nodded. It was that moment I realized how hungry I was. "Wait! I need to give something to Karma!" I realized. Without another word, I ran to her den. 

"Opal! What-" Ever began. He suddenly stopped; as if he'd just noticed the necklace. I peered into Karma's den. She was laying in her nest, eating some Oran Berries. 

"Um, Karma?" I said. 

She looked up at me. "Yes, Opal?"

I padded into her den, then dropped the necklace in front of her. "I-I fell into some sort of ruins, and found this. ShadowBurn, a Houndoom that helped-"

"Did you say ShadowBurn?"

"Erm, yeah."

"Where is she?" Karma stood up, looking me dead in the eye. 

I swallowed hard. "I don't know for sure. She might have already left."

Without another word, Karma raced out. I picked up the necklace in my mouth and ran after her. ShadowBurn was just turning around to leave. 

"ShadowBurn!" Karma called. 

ShadowBurn quickly turned around. She gasped, then bowed in respect. "Karma."

"It's been nine years since I last saw you."

"Apparently. Doesn't it seem to go by quickly?" ShadowBurn chuckled.

"Yes," Karma said. "I have been worried about you. After the fire, I couldn't find you."

"Do you guys know each other?" I asked, my words muffled from holding the necklace in my mouth. 

"Yes," said Karma calmly. "We were childhood friends before the Great Fire."

"What's the great-"

"That's a story for another day," ShadowBurn cut me off. I nodded.

"Opal!" Mercy called. 

I quickly dropped the necklace in front of Karma. "Bye!" I said quickly, then ran over to my mom. 

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