S͜͡w͜͡a͜͡n͜͡ P͜͡r͜͡i͜͡n͜͡c͜͡e͜͡s͜͡s͜͡

189 11 21

Hi Percashippers! Soz this is a week late I had some school stuff to finish off. I'll update twice this weekend to make up for it plus I do have winter holidays for the next three weeks so I'll have a lot more time to update both stories. If you've made it this far into the book I really just want to thank you. We're nearly at 500 reads! Wow! When I started this project I didn't expect this many people to read it so thank you all so much. Bruh I had no fucking idea what to put as the pic so there ya'll go.

Annabeth's pov
I took a deep breath. I couldn't fail now, that wasn't an option. It was never an option. I tied the last ribbon on my ballet flat, contrary to popular belief we don't tie them in a criss-cross pattern. That's just yet another myth.

"Ms. Chase you're up next."

Those are the exact words she used in my dream.

No, shut up. I could do this. I have to do this. I stood up and walked into the middle of the room while Will gave me a thumbs up and an encouraging smile. He already got his part since he was the only one auditioning for it. The part of Odette was one that nearly every girl was hoping to get. Especially Drew.

Those girls are way better than you. They're prettier, more graceful and way thinner. Face the facts Annabeth you're too fat for the part.

They said with a cold, bitter voice that I knew was telling the truth. Of course, they were telling the truth otherwise they wouldn't be here to bother me. I hated that it was true, I wish it wasn't. I wish.

I got into position closing my eyes waiting for the music, hoping, praying that I could do this. Then the music started to play like the countdown to my doom, it was only a matter of time. The first note hit and I immediately recognised the song as the opening to Swan Lake, sure this wasn't the song that I had been practising for but as a dancer, you learn to improvise.

I started simple, only doing small twirls and stretches. (Look ik they have names but I'm not a dancer and don't want to get anything wrong. Also, I'm too lazy to the research. Sorry) As the music got more dramatic I started to turn and leap more dramatically. I kept in mind that it was all about grace and beauty, hide the pain. Even when you're not dancing.

Then the song stopped and I took a deep curtsey. Madam nodded ahead towards me indicating that I sit down. Relief washed over me, I had managed not to make a fool out of myself. I smiled back at her and went to sit over next to Will who was talking to Antonio.

"That was amazing, Beth. I'd like to see Drew try and beat that." He hi-fived and smirked at me.

"Yes, you really were amazing. You dance like a swan, you'd be amazing for the part." Antonio said with a smile and an accent.

"Thank you but the other girls are really good too." I blushed. It was true they were way better than me. He did know that, didn't he?

"Well between you and me I think that you'd be the best fit for the part of a princess." His cheeks were tinged pink as he stared down at the floor. I turned away with a red face and watched Drew dance.

She was amazing. Every move of her's was executed to perfection. It made me wonder if I did it right. She wasn't wrong about having this part in the bag, I looked over to watch Madam's face and she seemed impressed much more impressed than when she was watching me. I'd be lucky to even get a part.

Drew finished and flashed a picture-perfect smile. She curtsied and looked over at me smirking at me as if to say "This part is mine, bitch." Tears pricked my eyes, but I couldn't cry. Not here, not ever. So I just shot her my best attempt at a glare, she didn't look the slightest bit threatened.

"Thank you, ladies and gentlemen." She nodded her head at Antonio and Will. "I'll have the casting up by next week, you are dismissed." She waved her hand. Great more time to stress and worry and think up irrational scenarios that don't make sense but somehow will come true. Exactly what I needed.

Everyone started packing up, shoes were removed and the grotesque sight of dancers feet were displayed painted with blisters, red marks and disgusting broken and ruined and nails. Truly a sight that would make any sane person throw up all over the studio floor, but once you had been doing ballet for eleven years you became immune to the pain and hardships that came with it.

(I don't have a fetish I swear I just wanted to describe them, please don't be weirded out and stop reading)

My own feet looked like something out of a horror movie. My dad used to think I had some rare form of foot fungus and brought me a bunch of creams and medicine until I explained to him that unless they could help me with ballet fungus they wouldn't work.

I was just about to leave with Will when Madam said. "Annabeth, can you please stay behind once everyone leaves." I nodded scared, this was it my dancing career was finished.

You were never good enough anyway.

They were back, every time I thought I had managed to escape they came back.

You can't get rid of us. We'll always be here. Forever. And if you want to keep dancing, you won't tell anyone about us. This is our secret, after all, we're the ones motivating you.

"Annabeth, are you ok?" Antonio asked with an expression that was equal parts confused and concerned.

"Yep, everything's fine here. I'm just a little nervous that's all." I said with too much enthusiasm and then tried to cover it up by saying. "Yep, I'm fine. I'll meet you and Will outside."

"Sure, see ya." He said forgetting about my weird response to his normal question. I sighed a breath of relief as he left, that was close.

Once everyone had left Madam came over to me. "Annabeth you-"

Here it comes.

I braced myself for her next few words. "-danced very well." What? I thought she was going to say something along the lines of "you are not good enough to keep dancing.'

" I already knew that you would be the best. It's not that the other girls aren't good, it's just that you're a natural." I couldn't believe her words. "Which is why I've decided to give you the part of Odette." I had to be dreaming, I was speechless.

"But that's not all, I'm sure you know about the bake sale we're having for the recital, well I think it would only be fit for the lead to dance at it." She smiled, she looked proud. Impossible.

"Really?" I said gasping.

"Yes really, if you're, of course, willing to work for it. You also get to choose the song from this selection." She handed me a piece of paper.

"Yes, Miss. I can't wait."

"Great. Then we'll have to work for an extra fifteen minutes after each class starting from tomorrow."

As I left I couldn't believe it. I'd made it. And I had a solo at the bake sale.

This means you'll have to try even harder not to make a fool of yourself.

Even when something good happened they were still there. But they were right.

"Annabeth there's some dinner leftover for you," Helen said as I walked through the door.

"Thanks, but not hungry, Will and I ate out." I lied. I needed to lose some weight anyway.

BRUH- I'M DONE WITH LIFE. We're in lockdown AGAIN. I just- can't. My holidays are ruined I had plans. And now I'm stuck at home for 2 weeks. Yay. Imma be Wattpad a lot probably.

Thanks for reading. Luv ya 🥰❤️

-A very annoyed Navzoon

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