Ch 3: A Memory Unlocked

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??? POV

Mugger 1: "No point in screaming girl. No ones coming. Now hand over your money bitch!"

How the hell did I find myself in this situation! I just wanted to pet the stray cat. Damn you alley cat. You led me to a trap!

???: "Stay away from me you creeps!"

Mugger 2: "Ohhh, I'm so scared~" he mocked.

I'd burn these creeps to ashes if it wasn't for my dad's restrictions. Was there really nothing I could do?

???: "I said stay away!" I shout again.

Mugger 1: "Or what? What's gonna happen if we don't?" He said with a nasty laugh.

I get ready to show them 'what', but someone else does it before me.

Man: "This." A voice said from behind him.

The mugger turns around and a steaming black liquid splashes onto his face.

Mugger 1: "Gaaaaaaaah!"

He screams and drops to the ground rolling back and forth holding onto his face.

Man: "There goes my coffee." He says with no emotion.

Mugger 2: "You're gonna get it now asshole." He said pointing his knife at the man.

The man looks at his cup and downs whatever was left of his coffee.

Mugger 2: "You've got balls, I'll give you that." He growls.

The first mugger was still rolling on the ground screaming 'it burns' and such. The other one now had his back turned to me while he faced the man. I couldn't see who was helping me from behind mugger.

I take this chance to pick up the conveniently placed brick beside me.

Mugger 2: "Why the hell are you wea-"

*Thwack* *Thud*

The mugger falls to the ground unconscious.

???: "Hmph, asshole." I say spitting on his body.

Man: "Good job." The man says looking unamused.

His emotionless face was starting to annoy me.

???: "I had everything under control, you didn't need to meddle." I say crossing my arms.

Man: "Oh really, even him?" He asks flatly, pointing behind me.

Before I can turn around a rough arm goes around my neck. Next thing I know I've been taken hostage.

Mugger 1: "Listen up asshole! You're gonna drop all your money and you're gonna leave, got it?!" He yells.

Man: "Or what?" He says still looking unamused.

Mugger 1: "Or this bitch gets it!" He yells putting a small knife to my throat.

???: "You coward! Taking a girl hostage. You're scum!" I yell.

The mugger presses the knife to my throat drawing blood.

Mugger 1: "You better shut your mouth if yo-"


The mugger looks up in fear and sees the man wearing a scarf holding a small snub-nosed revolver pointed to the sky.

Man: "Put down the knife." He says in a cold voice accompanying a blank face. He then points the gun at the mugger.

Mugger: "Y-You put down the gun! Or else I'll kill her!" He shouts in a desperate voice.

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