The race between Reki and langa had just finished. To no ones surprise the two boys ended with a draw as they both put their hearts on the line for this moment. "Well what do we do now ?" Reki laughed and looked at Langa to see his reaction, he was also smiling as he knew this would be the final result of their race but didn't want to admit it at the beginning. "Reki, why don't we both say wat we wanted to say, that's the most fairest idea since we drew" Reki nodded and walked over to Langa, he was slightly out of breath since he went all out to beat Langa and tell him what he's desperately been trying to tell him all along." You go first Langa, What you wanna say?" Langa paused and looked at Reki and bluntly answered "I want to go round your house". Reki turned around away from Langa as he went bright red " Langa you have already been round mine, you know what's it's like haha and my sisters are annoying they would ... interrupt us .. hanging out" Reki awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of his head, still turned away from Langa as his blush wouldn't calm down. " I don't mind your family Reki they are actually quite sweet and " Langa stopped himself from saying the rest out loud but muttered "your house smells like you" under his breath so Reki couldn't hear the rest. Langa Walked towards Reki and turned him around he held onto Reki's arms and looked him in the eyes
"what do you want to do Reki?" Reki couldn't look Langa in the eyes but answered his question with sincerity " I .. want to go round yours Langa" "mine?" Langa was taken back by Rekis words, he thought why would Reki want to go round his, its plain and boring, it's not even half as exciting as Rekis house so why would his crush want to visit his. "Well Langa I've always wanted to go round yours plus you've been to my house, it be nice if I could go to yours two" Langa gulped as he couldn't believe what Reki had just said, he smiled though and said "sure!" Reki thought Langas smile was the most cutest thing in the world what made him smile even more. Both boys were blushing for ear to ear but they didn't care, them seeing the other one smile just gave them reassurance that this would last a long time.They skated to Langas house with Langa leading the way just slightly as he wanted to skate right next to Reki. " Hey look down there Reki, that's where you took me to teach me how to skate , wow it only feel like yesterday that I fell right in front of you haha" Both boys started to reminisce about their first times together, Them skating away from the school teachers, meeting up at the same post everyday to go to school together, to even the park where they started the infinity sign. " hey Reki, I hope we never fight like that again .. I ..I missed you a lot back then, It was my fault for being stupid and not listening to you properly back then, skating is fun when you are around cheering me on and even more fun when I get to skate with you" Langa was letting all his feelings out as they past down all the familiar shops and alleyways they had skated down before. Reki kept quite as he just wanted to listen to Langas voice as he talked about their first meetings but the moment Langa said that Reki bit his lip as a sharp pain hit is heart as he thought about the argument they had and how not seeing Langa hurt him so much." I promise Langa. we will never have an argument like that ever again" Reki held on to Langas shirt when he said that which made Langa smile and grab onto his hand, They were getting closer to his house but Langa didn't want to let go of Rekis hand and Reki didn't want him to let go either. It was the middle of the night, no one was out and even if someone was out, Langa didn't care if they were seen, right now all that mattered was keeping the warmth in Rekis hand as he didn't want Reki to get cold. "Ah were here" Langa hoped of his Skateboard and Reki followed, letting go of Langas hand as he didn't want Langas mother to see her son hold hands with another boy. Langa fumbled to get his house key put of his pocket and put it to the lock but the moment he got his key out to the door his mother opened it."Langa why are you out so late?? ah wait who's this?" Langas mother looked behind him and inspected Reki, she gave him a warm motherly smile as she ushered in both boys in.
"pardon my intrusion" Reki said as he took his shoes off by the door. he walked in amazed by how tidy Langas house is, he took in every detail to the blue kitchen to Langas green curtains, he never wanted to forget his house and just wanted to live there with Langa. Langas mother looked at Langa who was looking at Reki exploring his house and figured out exactly who he was to Langa. She thought to herself "Oh Oliver, Langa has just brought round his special person .... what do I do!?!?" His mother started to panic as she thought it was getting to awkward because of the silence. "have you had dinner yet Reki?" she questioned "Ah yeah I have but thank you for the offer" Langa looked at his mother as he thought that was a weird question as they had also had dinner but just shrugged it off as he thought she was trying her best. On the other hand Langas mother was just silently panicking to herself asking Oliver if for help and what to do in this situation until she blurted out " Reki why don't you and Anna go to his bedroom ?!" Reki started to blush as he thought Langas mother was quite bold, even Langa started to blush as he wanted to ask Reki that in private but for his mum to say that to Reki, made him think Reki must think he's a loser that he has to get his mum to initiate for him. "Thanks mum but we were going there anyway " Reki blushed even harder when Langa said that , they both knew what was going on and figured out that race was the one where they were gonna confess their feelings to each other but to do it in Langa's bedroom was on the next level. " oh ok haha have fun boys !" Langas mother waved to the two boys who were going up the stairs. Reki nodded back but were gone in a matter of seconds. The moment she heard Langas bedroom door shut she sunk down behind the dining room table. " I better go out and leave them .. " she looked at their family picture one more time and smiled "looks like our boys all grown up now right Oliver ? " she picked up her coat draped over the chair and walked out the house leaving the boys all alone.

To My Infinity Ranga fanfiction
RomanceFanfiction based after episode 12s race between Reki and Langa and what happend afterwards :)