Chapter 3

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I woke up at 4am to my rooster alarm clock I got when I was 6. A knock on the door had officially scared the fuck out of me. "Come in!" I said, almost scared as fuck.

"Good morning dear, father has made some eggs and toast for you. It's almost done, be down soon? Big day!" My mum said, while her body was halfway in my room. Even if it was 4am, my mum and dad have always been as cheerful on wake-up-early days.

"Okay, mum. I'm going to take a shower first, I heard that most people don't take showers there because of all the school work." I joked, winking at her. She glared at me and exited my room. Teresa, Adeline's younger sister, was going to be there too. Which I wasn't very excited about because she was annoying as fuck. Adeline's red hair was very rare in her family tree. Her mum has black, her dad has black, and her younger siblings Teresa and Matthew both have blonde.

I rubbed my eyes, yawning. 4 in the fucking morning. I lifted myself hesitantly, just incase I slip on the wooden floor, I get off my bed and head to the shower.


"Good morning, sweetie." My mum says putting the plate of scrambled eggs in front of me on the breakfast bar.

"Good morning mum, dad," my father nodded at me, still obviously begging for sleep. "So, sweetie, exams are soon. Do you have everything studied and ready to go? No distractions? If it all works out, dad and I will take you out for dinner the weekend of exams." Mum says. Dammit. Exams. The exams to get into college were most likely the hardest and most stressful exams I've ever, ever prepared for.

"Of course mum. When have I not?" My mum always wanted her children, past tense, to be very polite and smart children. To dating until they've officially figured out their lives. Which is exactly how my sister, who's now dead, died.

It all started when she was 13 and she dated this really bad boy Adrien. He was a dickhead, but most guys are, right? Right. Adrien asked her out by a love note, and she was lovestruck. Of course. Adrien was one of the most hottest and most popular student in middle school and high school. Emma just couldn't stop loving him. It took her life.

I sat up from my seat at the breakfast bar. Mum took my plate and my orange juice. My father, however, was sitting in front of the TV as usual.

"Good bye Mum, love you both." I hugged my mum and hugged my father as well. They nodded, speechless.

'Our little girl' was most likely what they were thinking. I hopped into my ice-cold car and turned the engine on with a slight roar. Then, turned the heat onto 100 degrees and on fan 6.

Alls I could think about was Emma. She was going to go to college and be a Registered Nurse, just like me. But he just didn't let her.

It wasn't his fault, Ava. It was yours. For not calling father in enough time. Stupid, stupid, idiotic me. No it wasn't. Yes. Don't lie.

The red light in front of me turning to green drifted me from my argument inside of my head. I drive all morning, and most of all day and arrived at 1:45.


I signed in at the counter, where a girl named 'Miss. Jackie' stood. Watching all of the new people file in, including me. After giving her all my information, she gave me my room key, and where and what room is was located at. Dorm room 553. I'm so excited to see who my roommate is.

Once I reach the building my dorm is in, I almost shit my pants. It's about 2 stories high, and all the rooms have balconies, indoor pools inside their dorms, and last but totally not least, huge as fuck rooms. Two people stay in the same dorm for the first two semesters. I'm hoping to get with someone I don't know- but someone I want to know.

"Oliva?" Someone from behind me speaks with a very low voice, I spin around quickly almost surprised.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Ava. Do you need something?" I say, to the man who's probably about... Maybe 40 years older than me. He stepped back a little, his eyes widen.

"Oh sorry, wrong person." he laughs, and turns on his heel and walks back to the lounge- I think. Meanwhile, I continue my gaze at the dorms, oh my. So amazing. There is not one absolute fucking way I will not enjoy this.

I start walking toward the two floor building, still in awe. This is absolutely amazing. Wow. How did I get into this place?

Your not in yet, exams are next week. My mind reminds me, damn.

I open the two-glass doors. I'm greeted by a older woman.

"Hello, darling. I'm Mrs. Wilson. I'll be helping you find your way around. What's your dorm name? I can have Mira here," she points to a blonde girl behind my sitting on a velvet red couch. "help you find your way around, if you'd like..." she trailed off.

"Nono, it's fine. I'd hate to bother. I'm pretty sure I can find my way around, thank you very much though, ma'am." I walked away, trying to get away as soon as possible. I remember the directions my mum gave me, left right right right left right. Before I knew it, I was at dorm 553. I twisted the door knob, which just happened to be locked and I slammed my face right into it.


A sudden laugh erupts behind me. A very, very, attracting laugh. I turn my head, to get a peek at who it is.

It's him. It's the unknown name mysterious man.

I try to act cool, before I know it I'll be in my dorm, making my bed, and hanging posters up of my favorite boy band One Direction. But he is clutching his stomach in laughter now, ouch. It looks like it hurts.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I ask, my hands so sweaty the key drops to the ground.

"Well of course... but if a girl is standing in the way of my dorms door how could I even get in?" A laugh escaped his lips- again.

Wait. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

'My dorm'

Oh. Shit.

The mysterious man is my roommate.

"Are you going in or not? This bag is getting sorta heavy..." I look down at his probably 40 pound suitcase. Not like mines any smaller...

"Right. Sorry. Um..." I pick the key off the floor and I realize my face is tomato red, I look away from his memorizing face. Oh. My. God. How come I didn't see this the first time I met him?

"Let me get it, actually." He sets his bag down and takes the key gently out of my hand and puts it into the lock.

I cannot believe I'm sharing my dorm room with him for 2 semesters. Fuck me.

"What's your name?" I ask so I can tell Adeline all about when I call her tonight to secure my safety with her.

"Ethan. Ethan O'Conner."

Authors note: thank you for reading this. I absolutely disliked this chapter. Because I absolutely use 'absolutely' way to much. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. More coming soon... I hope...

~Your terrible author~~

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