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Emma getting dragged into things was very common nowadays, nevertheless, she probably enjoys this more than the past times she's been called out of her bed for something supernatural. This wasn't supernatural it is just natural, Sheriff Stilinski had a date tonight. Scott and Stiles were heading down to the police station to hype him up essentially. They needed a women's help and opinion.

Emma wasn't sure that they had the right girl, but she was most likely the only girl to say yes. So they went with it. Emma had picked out the perfect tie for Sheriff Stilinski, one that matched his outfit and tied everything together. Emma wanted an outfit with more color, but not everyone liked bright colors as Emma did.

Emma was unwrapping a hard candy that was in Sheriff Stilinski's candy jar, Stiles' father looked at himself in a small mirror, he let out a groan and ruffled his hair. "Oh, I should've got a haircut" Sheriff Stilinski sighed. He placed the mirror down on his desk as his son approached him.

"Well, you know someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut" Stiles replied, he meant for his comment to sound rendering, but it just wasn't the right time for the comment.

"Stiles, that's not nice, you're hair looks just fine Mr. Stilisnski. You look great" Emma complimented him with a bright dimpled smile. She popped the blue hard candy into her mouth, looking over at the Stilinski boy. He held his hands out unsure what he said was so mean.

"Yeah, I think you look great, too" Scott added as he threw an arm around Emma's shoulder. Sheriff Stilinski smiled at Emma and Scott.

"Well, thank you, son and daughter I should have had" Sheriff Stilinski joked, Emma, let out a giggle as Stiles' face dropped and his eyes widened slightly. Sheriff Stilinski's face dropped and his hands flew up to his tie, "Oh, what the hell am I doing? This is a terrible idea."

Stiles lurched forward to stop his father's hands from taking off his black tie, "What, Dad . . . Dad, it's one date, okay? The town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman," Stiles ranted as he fixed his father's tie, and suit jacket before stepping back looking at his friends. "Or man." Stiles offered.

"It's a woman, Stiles" Mr. Stilinski spoke up.


"A very beautiful woman" Mr. Stilinski continued, and Emma noticed his face light up once he started to talk about her. Emma wasn't going to try and pry it out of him like Stiles would try to do. But if she could give a guess, she hoped that it was Melissa McCall so Scott and Stiles could actually become brothers.

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