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        Her hands were worn and gray, and her voice was thick when she talked.

       "I knew Holly, though not very well," she said, sadness weaving through her words and constricting her throat. "She was an amazing girl, and I wish she would've told someone what she was going through before she'd decided to end her life. I wish I could've foresaw what was happening. Her eyes weren't as bright and she was always so kind, though I could see the way her lips turned down after talking, as if the conversation was rehearsed and had meant nothing except a time when she had to put up a front. I miss Holly, and I know the world is a darker place without her to grace us with her smile. Rest in peace, sweet girl."

      The lady exited the stage, eyes swimming with tears as she remembered the girl with the thick brown hair who used to visit her shop, offering the kindest smiles and charming words. She felt her throat choke with grief at the thought of that poor, innocent girl, so scared to live she had to decided not to anymore.

      Next went a girl who looked like she couldn't care less to be here.

      "I knew Holly," she read. "And she was a dear friend. We shared secrets, and talked about guys, and that's what I think the most genuine bond is. We told each other everything, and I'm sad that I've lost someone to keep my secrets. Goodbye." She smiled as if this were a beauty pageant, and exited the stage, seemingly happy with her presentation.

      "Thank you, Missy."

      Missy nodded to the preacher, settling back into her chair.

     Someone else got up, and waked to the stage. He looked nervous, his hair slicked back and look incredibly uncomfortable in his tuxedo.

       "Holly," he began, looking at the podium. "Was exquisite. She was unique, and beautiful, and kind-hearted, and loyal, even though she didn't know she was any of those things. She thought life was never  going to turn around for her, so she dealt the only cards she could to escape."

        He took a shaky breath, knuckles white as he gripped the wood. 

        "I was going to ask her to Prom," he said, and Missy dropped the nail filer she'd been holding. "I was going to rent a limousine and buy a tuxedo." 

        "I never thought I'd be wearing one here."

        His eyes moved to the audience, and they were wet.

        "I wish she would've told me. But there isn't anything I can do except say the words I was never courageous enough to say to her face."

        "I love you, Holly Fisher."

        Jaws dropped, including Jake's.

        "I've loved you since the day I met you, since you tripped in the dark and I caught you, since the day you kissed me in the halls, and I was too scared to admit to you I loved you. So here it is: I've loved you forever, and forever never stops."

        He exited, wiping his eyes.

        No one moved.

        Dalton sat in his seat, crushed completely by the overwhelming grief that consumed him. He'd never told her he loved her, and she died not knowing.

        She was dead.

        Dalton cried for the first time since his father had died in a car crash. He felt his heart being wrenched from his chest and buried beneath the ground with her. He cried in unbearable bereavement, his whole body aching from the pain. 

        She was dead.

        And a part of him died with her.


It's done! Oh my gosh, I have so many people to thank! I want to first acknowledge Ms. Yazmine O.o for all the sweet comments and support, as well as 'Zee Mad Hatter,' for the most creative comment XD. Ily guys! 

Okay, so here's the BIG thing...

My next book!

Make sure to check out my two, yes TWO, new Wattpad originals:

1) Observations of a Nobody

2) Leaving Trails of Lilac

There should be new chapters posted each week for OON (Observations of a Nobody) and every two weeks there should be an update for LTL (Leaving Trails of Lilac).

Thank you for reading! Love you guys!

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