Chapter Fifteen: Smoke in the Sky

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The battlefield came into focus before Ren, and she grew nauseated at the sight. Bodies littered the castle gardens, staining the rainbow colors of the flowerbeds with blood. Most of the fallen were adherents, but there were people from the village as well. Members of the guard and townspeople were moving among them, helping the injured. Ren stood between Oighria and Laric, with Hunter and Elliott on either side of them, unsure of how to help. She felt as though it were her fault that all of this destruction had come upon the community, since they had, in a way, led Corvus here.

Oighria was the first to move, pushing her sword through her belt and then striding off of the porch. Ren saw Maya lifting an injured child onto Sophie's back, and it jerked her out of her reverie. She hurried after Oighria, and Hunter followed. As they neared the battlefield, three figures came striding towards them, removing their helmets. Ren recognized Samuel, accompanied by Adam Koval and – Ren had to blink to make sure she was seeing correctly – Dottie, the magical seamstress who had designed her gown for the fire festival. Ren almost laughed as comprehension dawned. These people were the ones responsible for the new and improved castle guard. The three figures stopped to bow and curtsey as they approached the queen.

"Your majesty, it is the height of fortune to see you returned to us," said Samuel as he stood.

"Please, it is I who should be thanking you," said Oighria. "Although I'm afraid I do not know who you are – I remember Dottie, of course, and I assume your skills with creating fabrics are to thank for this astounding armor." Dottie smiled and curtsied again.

"This is Adam Koval," said Samuel. "His technological expertise is also responsible for the invention of this armor. And I'm Samuel Graham, captain of the castle guard." He held the queen's gaze. "I believe you knew me once under a different name."

"Oh!" Oighria's eyes lit up in recognition. "Yes, Samuel, well, it is an honor to have such a courageous young man in charge of what seems to be a remarkable little army."

Samuel nodded. "The past two weeks have been busy, and my soldiers are not as trained as I would like, but we knew we had to prepare for an invasion at any time, thanks to Ren's wise warnings."

Oighria swiveled to look at Ren. "So it's true that you are responsible for all of this preparation?"

"Well, we heard about Corvus's attacks across Europe and in Morocco, and fairies are defenseless against gunfire, and of course, they aren't willing to use guns themselves. I thought, if there was any risk of an attack happening here, that we should be prepared. After it became clear that Laric and I and all the rest would be pulled away to rescue you, it became even more imperative. But all I did was plant the idea – Adam, Dottie, and Samuel are responsible for all of the hard work."

Oighria stared at her. "Well, Ren, I still don't understand the curious circumstances under which you came to be here, but between that and saving my life just now, it seems we are very lucky that you did."


Elliott watched as Ren and Oighria talked to the leaders of the castle guard and Hunter went off to join the girl whom Elliott understood to be his sister. He was shaken, and unsure of what to do next, until he felt a presence at his side and realized that he and Laric had been left alone. He turned to look at Laric, and saw that he was as unsettled as Elliott felt.

"Elliott," said Laric after a minute, his voice shaking, "how did you make that shot? I mean, I know that bow isn't ordinary. But to meet that bullet in midair? I don't know anyone else who could've done it."

Elliott looked down at the polished wood of the bow that he had propped against a nearby railing. It hadn't occurred to him that the bow itself was magical, but it was a relief, in a way, to think that some magic had been involved in the impossible shot. All the same, he couldn't believe he had pulled it off. "I have no idea. I just saw Kerra reaching for her gun, and you guys looked like you weren't expecting her to actually shoot, but I had this feeling that she was going to take advantage of that and do it."

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