On a cold winter morning I awoke to the sound of rustling bushes in my front yard. I tried peeking out my window but it was frosted over on the outside. I had no choice but to venture out in the snow to investigate what was making the sound. I grabbed my leather armour and my iron shovel for protection then walked out the front door. Almost the second I shut the door an explosion followed by an earsplitting boom occurred causing me to drop my shovel.
I was frightened, scared to turn around but then I remembered my wife Debby and my infant son Tim were upstairs in the nursery. I rushed to the nursery door and tried to open it but it was locked. I gathered what was left of my strength and kicked the door off its hinges. When I looked around the empty room, I was enraged that my wife and son were not to be found.
My only clue was an open window and some footprints in the snow to follow. I quickly gathered some pork chops and crafted an iron sword then bolted out the house and followed the evident, yet fading tracks that will hopefully lead to my wife and son. As i walked along the treacherous pathway of footprints, I noticed in some places the ground had craters, it was like something had blown it up. I was worried about my son and wife and did not want anything to happen to them. The more I worried the faster I walked then began to run.
Unfortunately I was the biggest noob of them all because I ran straight into one of those craters. Now i'm screwed I thought to myself "i'm stuck in a hole with a busted up knee, some dirty pork chops, and a broken shovel. It was now a matter of survival. Thankfully there was a ledge I could climb out on so at least I wasn't stuck anymore. As i bandaged my left knee with some of my shirt that ripped off I realized what it felt like to be an adventurer again.
As the sun was setting that night I knew there would be mobs spawning so I climbed a tall spruce tree and made a simple shelter. I had to sleep with one eye open because the sound of skeletons and spiders kept me awake. I knew it was safe enough to leave my shelter after I heard the last zombie burn so I set off in the direction that the footprints were last night. To my surprise the footprints were swept clean! I felt like I had lost and that whoever kidnapped my wife and son were one too many steps ahead of me.
I continued walking in the direction I thought my wife and son could be and it turned out to be a very fortunate thing to do. I spotted a large castle with lots of green things walking around it. Then, as I got closer, I could hear screams coming from the inside. I thought my wife and son could be in there so I charged as quickly as I could for having a bruised knee. I saw a civilian and shouted if he had seen a woman with a baby he said no. Then one of those green things snuck up behind him and blasted him past the height limit. I was horrified, could this have been the sound I heard from my house I wondered?
Now that the green things have move away from the castle doors I rushed to get inside. On the inside there were broken buildings and also those craters everywhere. I looked for the leader of the castle and found a room with the grandest door I have ever layed eyes on. I knocked and there was no answer so I walked in with my hands up saying "don't shoot I'm only looking for the king." When I realized the room was empty I felt strange. "Where could the king be?" I thought to myself. Then I heard a tender voice from under the bed "help... help..." I rushed to see if the king was in trouble but there was no king only a little boy.
I asked him if he was in trouble and he explained to me everything that was going on. He told me that those green things were called creepers and that they were the ones that took my wife and son. And how their castle was under attack and there was no escape. I was shocked to hear this from a 10 year old boy. "What is your name?" I asked. He told me Joseph and asked for mine. I replied Mark and that seemed to please him. He said to me "if you ever want to see your family again I can help you." And this is how the creeper wars started.
The Creeper Wars
ActionMark and Joseph search for Mark's kidnapped wife and infant son during a creeper apocalypse. Will they ever be found? Will Mark and Joseph survive? (Minecraft based story)