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 MEW SITUATED HIMSELF IN front of the spaceship that he owned, his other siblings had their missions, too

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 MEW SITUATED HIMSELF IN front of the spaceship that he owned, his other siblings had their missions, too. The four of them got to the planet Earth as per their Foster Father -His Majesty- ordered them. They needed to experiment with things to make sure that they, aliens, would be able to survive in such hot and cold conditions. He is the ruler of this planet, Mars. The Young Suppasit vividly remembered their past conversation.


The four siblings were occupied by their tasks, each of them had been given a workplace and a position to serve their fellow Martians. A royal messenger approached them and gave the summon from His Majesty, the King.

All of them obliged and arrived in the castle that was positioned on a crater-like surface. The Kingdom was built and designed with materials that cannot be easily penetrated by dust and wind storms.

Wind and dust storms are the ongoing problems on their planet that they seemed to not find any solution on how to stop them. They could say, It is inevitable.

The castle was furnished with a gatehouse, a portcullis, a dry moat, double, external, huge windows, and large towers that almost exaggeratedly reached the sky.

Guards welcomed them by kneeling and saying praises. Completing each prince; treating them with respect, and bowing before and after they pass them.

The four Prince wore their preferred clothes, according to their position. The status of each prince was reflected by the degree of embellishments used on the cloak and tunic. Typically, the tunic of a prince carried gold lacework and rich embroidery. The cloaks usually carried the coat of arms of the prince to effectively depict his elevated status. But they all differ in color, quality of cloth, and style. Depending on how much you are respected, or ranking.

They had a permanent resting face with a flat expression towards each other -families, friends, or not.

By that summon, they assumed that their father will finally announce who will be the next heir to the throne.

He had been avoiding that topic since the princes had not found a suitable partner yet -and one worthy to ascend to the King's throne. They were open to genders, but It does look like the princes are not convinced to find a significant other; they all reasoned that no one was good enough. So, He planned to do something else.

The guards open the huge door of the castle hall, where the majestic throne of the King was located. "The Princes had arrived, Your Majesty" The messenger announced, and greeted them through arrival.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." They all said in unison and kneeled in one knee with their right hand on their chests, one but Suppasit. He was getting tired of this and his father always joked that He was getting arrogant -but the funny thing is, He told the King to let them stop kneeling since their knees are starting to hurt.

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