"So that's it? Its over?"

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This is gonna suck but- I also totally didnt have to use a prompt generator 👀

"Hey, tubbo!" Tommy said, trying to get his best friend's attention. Tubbo looked back at Tommy. "Yeah, Tommy?" He said. "Promise that we'll always stick together?" "Of course Tommy!" Tubbo said, a little confused as to why Tommy would feel the need to ask him to promise that. "Thanks! Now lets go mess with Philza >:)"

Tommy snapped out of his flashback. 'When was the last time we had talked?' He asked himself. 'I.. cant remember?.. Why dont i go see him?' Tommy thought about it for a minute, then decided he was going to go see Tubbo.

He gathered some things he thought he'd need, like food and stuff. Then, he went on his way. A bit later, he heard Tubbo laughing with someone he couldn't recognize from voice, which was quite a lot of people. Once he got close enough to see him, he also saw someone else, someone he didn't recognize. All he knew is that they were very tall.

He then started walking up to Tubbo. "Hey tubbo!" Tommy said, happy to see his best friend again. Though, Tubbo seemed to have either not heard him, or ignored him. Tommy walked closer and tried again.

"Tubbo?" He said, a little bit louder.

"Wha- Oh, hey Tommy." Tubbo said, sounding a bit annoyed.

'Why, does he sound.. annoyed?' Tommy thought.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in a while, so i thought i'd come to hang out or something..." Tommy said, thinking that he was bothering Tubbo by coming.

"Well, im sorry but im busy talking." Tubbo said, sounding more annoyed.

"Who even is that?" Tommy asked, sounding more rude than he had intended.

"This is my husband, Ranboo" Tubbo answered, looking at Ranboo when saying his name. Ranboo looked at Tommy and waved towards him awkwardly, which Tommy ignored.

"Wait, you got married without me knowing?" Tommy asked, sounding slightly hurt and angered.

"Well, yeah. Like you said, we haven't seen each other in a long time. We had originally married for tax reasons but thats changed." Tubbo replied.

"Oh. Well can we at least hang out all together?" Tommy asked, really wanting to be with his friend.

"Tommy, I already said I am busy. Go talk to someone else." Tubbo said, starting to walk off. Ranboo looked at Tommy and said a quiet 'Sorry Tommy' then turned around and followed his husband.

Tommy just sat there, starting to feel more sad then he would ever admit. He could feel tears threatening to spill and he quickly wiped his eyes. He was just so confused why Tubbo sounded so mean, and why he'd replaced him.

"So that's it? Its over?" He said loudly, not caring whether anybody heard him or not.

This absolutely sucked- im sorry-

474 words

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