Chapter Three

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Astoria watched as Draco and Julianna walked into the Great Hall, side by side, engaged in conversation. He has nice eyes… She thought to herself, completely disregarding her conversation with Theo. “And so obviously I told him to go take a cold shower since he wasn’t suited to be out in public, and then he..Tori? Are you listening?” “What? Oh yes sorry.” She said flustered. Theo followed where her eyes had previously been locked and saw Draco with Julianna. He looked back to her and raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his face. She blushed furiously and looked down at her hands in her lap.

So far, Theo had been the only one to notice her growing feelings for Draco. But it was fine because he’s madly in love with Jules. Has been since third year. Tori had him beat. She’s had feelings for Draco since second. They hadn’t actually discussed it, but enough snide remarks and sarcastic comments had been made that they both knew about the other, and agreed not to start an unnecessary conversation about what they were too scared to claim.

Before Theo could make another joke about how she blushed whenever she was caught looking at the blonde, said blonde came and sat down next to Astoria, folded his hands down on the table, lay his head down on his hands, and closed his eyes. She poked his cheek with her pointer finger, until he turned his head, opened his eyes and glared at her. “And what is so wrong with me taking a twenty minute nap on the table Miss Greenass?” Draco said to her testily.

Theo snorted at the nickname, but immediately pulled himself together after catching Astoria’s icy stare. “You know damn well you need to eat lunch Mr Malfoy” she replied before handing him a plateful of turkey and vegetables she had saved before it was all gone. Draco rolled his eyes, took the plate from her, and within five minutes had it completely empty.

“Are you two going to the party in Hufflepuff tonight?” Draco shrugged his shoulders as he looked at his empty plate, wishing there was more food. He liked turkey. “Probably,” Astoria answered. “Party? Where?” Pansy asked as she sat down, hair askew, shirt slightly wrinkled, and mascara smudged under her eye. Within ten seconds a Ravenclaw seventh year walked in, also sporting a messy hair, wrinkled shirt fashion. Tori looked between the boy in blue and the girl in green and raised her eyebrows with a gleeful smile on her face. Pansy rolled her eyes and proceeded to eat her lunch. “Um. Hufflepuff. You should come. If you aren’t too tired.” Theo said with a slight tease to his voice at the last sentence. “Oh you know that I can go to a party even if I’d ran a marathon one hour before.” the raven haired girl replied with a toss of her head.

“Let’s invite Jules to get ready with us.” she suggested to Tori. She nodded, and proceeded to walk to the Ravenclaw table.

Julianna made her way to the Slytherin dungeons to get ready for the first party of the year with Pans and Tori. She was glad it was Hufflepuff taking over the first event since their parties always had an energy that made you feel more free and happy. Even though they seem innocent and cute, they can throw a good party.

“Pureblood?” She asked the door, and it opened in response. Even though it was her sixth year at Hogwarts, the password for the Slytherin Common Room never seemed to change.

She made her way to Tori and Pans’ room while thinking about the deal she had struck with Malfoy. In exchange for one hour of tutoring in potions, she would give one hour to helping him repair a vanishing cabinet. Why he was bothering with a vanishing cabinet she did not know, but it wasn’t her business and she simply didn’t care.

She opened the door to her friend’s room to find it an absolute disaster. Shoes were everywhere, dresses and skirts flying out of trunks and closets, and hair accessories were strewn all along Millicent Bulstrode’s bed.

“Where has her highness gone tonight?” Jules asked as she started looking through the pile of black dresses for something she could wear. “Bulstrode is getting ready with her other friends somewhere.” Tori responded as she curled her hair in the bathroom. Pansy was finishing off her smoky eye at the sink next to her, and so Julianna took the last sink to start her primping.

Her waist length shiny brown hair was going to be curled tonight, and some light eyeshadow to bring out her hazel eyes. “Tori, any chance I could borrow that dress you wore to Pansy’s bash in July?” “Of course sweetie. And wear Pansy’s heels with the straps.” Julianna nodded and continued getting ready.

An hour later, the three girls met up with the boys and headed to the Hufflepuff common room. They were all wearing black. House parties themes were typically their house colors. Slytherin would do green and silver, Ravenclaw, blue and silver, Gryffindor, red and gold, and Hufflepuff, gold and black.

They would never sport red. Ever. Only a true Gryffindor or ally would wear red. And they couldn’t wear gold to both Hufflepuff and Gryffindor parties, so black was always settled when they went to the house of badgers.

The group reached the entrance where a third year let them in. Julianna took Tori and Pans to the liquor station and snagged a bottle of firewhiskey. After a while of giggling, drinking, and tapping their feet in a corner, they decided to dance. They headed to the very center of the dance floor, and within ten seconds their hips were swaying, hair was flying, and arms were in the air.

Julianna felt hands on her hips as she danced to the music. She craned her head to find that the hands belonged to Ernie Macmillan. He certainly grew into his looks over the summer.. She thought to herself. She smirked, meeting the Hufflepuff’s eyes.

“And how was your summer Montague” he said over the loud music. “Absolutely boring.” She replied and she turned her head back around and continued to grind against him. She could already feel him hardening.

She heard a strained deep breath before he leaned into her ear and whispered “And are you bored right now, Julianna?” Her smirk grew as she turned around to face him, before rising on her tip-toes to reply in his ear, “A little. Do you have any recommendations on how to have some fun around here” She raised her brow as she pulled back to stare in his eyes.

“I have something in mind.” He said as his eyes darkened and a smirk appeared on his face to match hers. He took her hand and led them off the dance floor, across the common room, to the stairs that led up to the boys dormitories.

A/N: I kinda wanna start updating more often...Let's see how that goes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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