Sophia's POV

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For as long as I can remember the Spartans and the Romans have had a feud. But this was next level, yesterday we declared war on those foolish *Graecus, expecting them to decline. We were shocked when The Spartan king gladly accepted our call of war. This is why the Greeks are foolish, they don't know when to back down, and now their going to have to face the wrath of Rome because of it.


Today was basically your average day. Well, the average day of a daughter of a Roman Noble. I got up before Apollo started his journey of riding sun chariot across the sky. As I got dressed I thought about the Rumor that stated the Heir to Sparta would be leading his kind into battle, what am I saying, OF COURSE he was!! Typical Graecus thing to do, sacrifice your only heir because your to scared to fight your own battles. Not that us Romans were any better. Slipping on my toga, and throwing my Blue stola over it, I looked at myself in the polished Marble that made up my rooms walls. I looked decent enough. But there was something missing... I grabbed a belt from the pile of clothing that littered my floor.  It was a thin sheet of gold that came together in the middle with the symbol of my mother, Minerva. "Yes" I stated happily "Now my outfit is complete" I said, a satisfied smile on my face. I looked down at my mothers symbol with a slight sadness in my eyes, it looked so proud on the thin gold of the belt. But I had never even MET my mother, most demigods didn't know their godly parents. But I thought AT LEAST she would want to see her only daughter... You see Minerva wasn't a very popular goddess among the Romans, sure we respected her but we didn't see her as a goddess of warfare, we had Belonna for that. We just saw Minerva as the goddess of craft, Trickery, Wisdom and battle strategy. But nonetheless I was proud to be her daughter. I believed wars should be one with good strategy, clever tricks, and smart decisions, ones made with the brain, not with emotion.


As I walked down the hallway, heading towards My fathers tent to help with the Strategic part of this war, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer amount of people who looked at me as if I were nothing more then just a pretty face, or a scared little child in a sea of monsters. As I made my way to the commander's tent I found myself wondering why people looked down upon a Woman, specifically a Woman in power, woman who were nobles such as myself. I may have been a Girl, but my father commanded the Roman army for Jupiter's sake!! I knew very well how to fight. Wether it be hand to hand or blades, I could kick the most skilled Roman's asinus ( A*s) in battle. Although many found it interesting that I preferred dagger over spear or sword. 


Suddenly, I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I hear rustling coming from inside the tent.Voices?? Why in Jupiter was someone in my fathers Tent?! The only reason I was here was purely because the soldiers must be trained within the week. But in order to do that I have to figure out our approach in this battle, So they know what and what with they shall train on. Ignoring the questions that plagued my mind, I quickly hide behind the nearest column as I see the"mystery" man coming out of the structure, Escorted out by none other than *Legate Marcellus, my dad.


Hi guys!!! Sorry this chapter kinda sucked.

Her outfit/Hair:

Her outfit/Hair:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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