Chapter 8: Medical Attention

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Zachary's P.O.V

I pulled into Amara's apartment complex on the verge of mild panic.

Thankfully she didn't live far away from the park, but as I unbuckled my seatbelt I racked my brain to see if I knew what non-Olympian medicines to use on her for treatment.

Halfway through the drive, I noticed that her pulse had not only weakened, but her skin had taken on a blueish-purple pallor.

"Hey Siri," I opened my door, "Does blood loss cause your skin to turn blue? Come on Orthus."

I emerged from the drivers side and opened the backseat. Orthus jumped down and took off towards the stairs.

'I found this on the web,' Siri's automated voice responded. 

I quickly scrolled through the articles that was pulled up, and stopped at one that read Cyanosis: Symptoms and What You Should Look Out For.

"Cyanosis? Hey Siri, what is Cyanosis?" 

'Cyanosis: Noun. A bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood.'

My eyes widened and I ran over to the passenger side, throwing open the door and catching Amara as her body slumped to the side.

I put my finger under her nose to make sure that she was breathing, and sighed in relief when I felt a slight breeze coming through her nostrils.

Careful not to cause any trauma to her wound, I wrapped my arms around Amara's lower back, and gathered her legs into my other arm.

I lifted her up and out of the passenger seat and kicked the door shut, speed walking to the elevator.

"I'll need gauze and antiseptic," I mumbled pushing the up button with my pinkie. " Maybe peroxide, a needle and thread. I'll definitely need some hard liquor...what the hell is taking so long?"

I jammed my finger on the button four more times, stumbling back when the door opened and a red haired girl almost ran into me.

"Watch where you're going!" I growled just as she mumbled, " Excuse me."

Orthus walked out of the elevator behind her and sat next to my feet. The girl did a double take and spotted Amara nestled in my arms before her face contorted into something of shock and confusion.

"Is that Amara? What is she--" the girl trailed off when she saw the bloody shirt and jean jacket that hung loosely over Amara's chest, "Oh no..."

I ignored her and stuck my foot in the door to stop the elevator from closing, casually walking inside and whistling as a signal for Orthus to follow.

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