Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Abernacky stood there still as anything, cornered to an extent that even he couldn’t escape from. He giggled a little bit “what now master king under the mountain” Abernacky eyed him fiercely. The goblin rose to his full height, he was a lot taller and a lot rounder then Abernacky. “you’re my guest so of course we shall look after you” he grinned baring his rancid teeth. Abernacky chuckled again. He knew that the position he was in was not good; however if he panicked it would become even worse.

“I commend you on your ability to capture me, leader of the false halls” those last two words angered the goblin king beyond belief, if his face could go red it absolutely would be; he had gone a deep dark colour of green, his face was contorted with rage. He pushed his goblin soldiers out of the way with ease and got right into Abernacky’s face, he had drawn a long side that was kept on his side. It was a beautiful weapon, it had a long softly curved blade, a shining bright edge which would never dull and an intricately carved wooden hilt. The hilt was beset and with an opal inlay.

However as much as Abernacky would of liked to admire it for a very long time, it was now an inch from his throat being held held a massive goblin, who was breathing heavily right into Abernacky’s face. It stank severely and felt as warm as the sun. He winced at the smell. This made the goblin slightly happier to see his discomfort and he smiled, though he didn’t remove the sword. “tell me exactly what makes me a leader of false halls” he whispered to Abernacky with such fierce hatred that Abernacky felt a pang of fear.

“Well to be honest it seems as though you’ve found this place. You aren’t a king by inheritance or family, you are no king from conquest, you are nothing better then a mere squatter!” replied Abernacky, with such a huge level of calmness that for someone in his situation they should be unable to afford.

Surprisingly this didn’t anger the goblin at all, he drew the sword away and took a step back and laughed. His laughter echoed through the halls. “that is where you are wrong unfortunately, I completely conquered this place, though sadly when I came here only a handful of old men remained, probably too proud to leave their halls while their people all fled for some reason. So of course we killed them all and I took this crown and this sword he laughed again, “they fought hard there is no doubt, shouting and roaring telling us not to defile these sacred halls, saying we would unleash the evil below if we were to desecrate the dwarven stronghold, trying to scare me away; no fancy story could scare this king” and he grabbed his belly and laughed again.

Abernacky had to think quickly here, if he antagonised him he was likely to die, however this goblin seemed to love talking about himself and how amazing he was. Abernacky wanted as much information as possible about this place and also about where his friends currently are. Then it occurred to Abernacky, he has questions about this place and he would bet that the goblin would have questions about the outside world, or maybe Abernacky could trick him somehow.

“how about we have an exchange, king under the mountain!” Abernacky overemphasised the last few words. The goblin looked visibly interested but obviously pretended not to be. “and why should I do that, if you have anything to exchange I can take it forcefully, you’re my prisoner now” he chuckled. The hard part would be getting the goblin to agree, once Abernacky had done that it would be easy.

“Simple” said Abernacky with an air of mystery, the goblin stared at him, his eyes full of hunger. “have you not wondered as to why I’m here at all, and with quite a strange group of people as well?” Asked Abernacky, rhetorically of course , he gave the goblin no time to answer “that is why we should exchange, an exchange of information to be exact” Abernacky beamed despite himself and his situation, he could see the goblin wanted to know, he needed to know. “I am indeed interested, but I shall force you to tell me, I have no issue with taking off your fingers until you do” threatened the goblin fiercely.
Abernacky stood firm and didn’t show any reaction, if he did then the goblin would know that threats and fear would work.

“hmm a good idea yes, but you can’t guarantee that what I would say could be true” the goblin king stood there and pondered that thought, and he thought some more and pondered a little bit more as well. Finally he started to speak again “I agree then!, if I must!” he said annoyed and aggressively he clearly didn’t want to agree but realised he had no choice
His eyes gleamed with a dark malice “however, I shall go first” remarked the goblin, there would be no further conversation around that realised Abernacky. “I can agree to that” replied Abernacky. The goblin king went and sat back down upon his throne. “good . . . Good” spat the goblin king, “so what do either of us gain from this?” he questioned. “well we both learn something and also if you’re happy with what I say you can let me and my friends go.

The goblin jumped up again from his seat and drew his sword, “why you sneaky little bastard, you’re trying to trick me I see” and he started to swing the blade back and forth as he walked towards Abernacky.

“calm down, master king under the ground” Abernacky said condescendingly, “it is only a suggestion, you decide at the end if it’s worth that or not” Abernacky shouted with his hands in the air. The goblin deflated like a balloon and let out a massive sigh of annoyance “I will decide right now and the answer is no” he sat there in his throne still as anything. “but.. but.. but..” Abernacky stammered trying to think of what to say next.

“there are no buts or anything else, this is over. Take him away” remarked the goblin now looking quite annoyed with the whole thing
Before Abernacky could do anything the goblins had encircled him once more. They quickly put large shackled around his wrists and started to push him towards a side door.

It took quite a while; winding through passageways, up stairs and down stairs. Until finally they reached what looked like a dungeon, though to be fair it looked like a normal room had been repurposed by the goblins to be some sort of jail. The threw Abernacky in and shut the heavy wooden door behind him. He heard quite a number of different locks being bolted shut as well, it was definitely secure.

“ahh another guest” came a rather slow, soft soothing sort of voice from the cell next to Abernacky. “umm hello” called back Abernacky, “fantastic!” the voice exclaimed, “someine I can actually speak to” said the voice in a rather lofty way “the last chap could barely even manage a growl, some sort of savage I believe” continued the voice.

Abernacky wasn’t really listening as he was busy looking the whole way around his cell trying to find a tiny crack or even a hole somewhere, he checked all around the door hoping there would be some slight nook he could start digging at. “damn these bloody dwarves” he muttered to himself. “aye, what!” called the man next door “are you even listening to me at all, I wasn’t talking about dwarves in the slightest!” The man sounded quite annoyed that he wasn’t being taken seriou

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