Chapter Two

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Ren wasn't a terribly adventurous sort of person, he wasn't really anything quite so fantastic, nor was his family for the most part at least, every now and then someone would; as the family liked to say have a "funny turn" and go off into the sunrise or perhaps even the sunset if the mood took them, mostly these family members weren't talked off often and if and when they were it was a very short conversation, the last person who decided to do so was Rens great great grandmother, she liked butterflies oddly enough and one day decided she wanted to find some new sorts, that was that and off she went for a decade before she came back. After which she was shunned to such an extent that in the middle of the night during a summer night she left and was never seen again.
In fact Rens entire village and people weren't adventurous, it was to be honest absolutely frowned upon, one shouldn't be seen or even rumoured to engage in such reckless frivolity, they were a quiet lot who liked a cosy and slow paced life and needed no more. Ren didn't have any great number of friends, one didn't need friends as it were, mostly because everyone in the village was very well acquainted with one another, not so much acquainted in a friendly manner more so in the sense that everyone's business was of course everyone elses' whether you liked it or not.

So the fact that Ren had in fact had what seemed like a funny turn of character and went running off down the street and unfortunately knocking over old Madam Chintz; who was as could be imagined most certainly not pleased, this was absolutely common knowledge amongst everyone now, it was to be told and known about for years to come. "Poor young Ren was such a nice boy when he was little, then for whatever reason when he was older he went funny and disappeared without cause or reason at all" is what people said about him for quite a few years, in fact Ren had no idea of this until his fantastic ability to disappear became a not so great ability to disappear and he suddenly reappeared as if nothing had ever even happened.

Strangely enough at that exact moment Ren could be found in a very dark damp hole deep underground staring at a tiny door with a little bronze handle and a ring of inviting light running around it's frame thinking exactly that "what must everyone in the village be thinking of me now, how long have I even been gone for" as these thoughts ran through his mind the sound of voices could be heard just a little louder and the movements coming a bit more franticly as if the people belonging to those voices and noises were trying to decide what to do, whether to answer the door or pretend no one was at home and turn the lights off and hope whomever or whatever had knocked wouldn't realise that anything had happened at all.

Ren heard the unmistakable sound of someone shushing all those around them "shh, shhhhh" came the noise, then a short pause followed by, "quickly, quickly someone blow out the candle and continued with; if we all stay very still it might go away whatever it is" came the hurried whispering. Footsteps could be heard shuffling as if someone thought moving slowly on tiptoes might reduce the noise but all it managed to do was make a loud scraping noise of foot on stone. It didn't take long for the owner of said feet to reach wherever it was that the candle sat, as next came a sharp intake of breath and a quick exhale and then the darkness followed.

For Ren there was nothing but pitch black, try as he may and squint as much as he could, he wasn't even able to see his fingers waving in front of his face. "Oh what a fantastic mess you find yourself in now Ren you fool" he whined softly "what am I to do, I can't go back ward as I can't even turn around, I can't turn forward as this very long tunnel leading only to this door and nothing but has been locked and abandoned to any form of visitation, gosh I can't even go sideways as I can't particularly dig through stone" came the further musings of Ren, quite the awkward situation it would appear to be, stuck in a hole with no way to go, Ren like earlier decided to let his emotions get the best of him, however this time he didn't have the added appendage of a stick to do his bashing, instead he balled a little fist in the darkness, carefully felt around him, most of which was stone as he thought until!, He found it, the feel of well worn aged wood under his touch and then the little bronze knob. Firstly he gave one good thump upon the door to alert it's residents, then he start to rattle away at the knob with such fervour the whole thing shook but managed to stay entirely unmoved.

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