This event suck

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The best first-year student

Mirror man
Oh come on
Where is everyone
I literally went to shit for only half an hour what

Mirror man
Im lost
Also why is there a veil
Is this a late april fool joke

The ultimate sorcerer
ask another teacher im busy
Im trying to get inside rn

Mirror man
I hate u
Gumi u ok
Do you know Where is my bf toge

Mirror manI hate uGumi u okDo you know Where is my bf toge

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Mirror man

what the
fuck just happend
Is this the consequences of waking up late

Finger in his ass
Fushiguro got slam dunk by a cursed

Mirror man
Cool ig
Its gumi not Gojo
Where r u sweetheart

Finger in his ass
Send dudes

Finger in his ass went offline

Mirror man
Good luck
I think u mean send nudes
Hit me up in the dm 🤟🤟🤙

Finger in his ass
Nooo we're literally dying
Plase com her rnb la

Finger in his ass went offline

Mirror man

My horny ass thought u want nude
Im coming ig
Not in sussy way

Mirror man went offline

Mirror man
Nvm why cant i go through whatever this shit is
I forgot the name

The ultimate sorcerer
Its a veil
They r using a veil lmaooo
Do u think a veil can stop me??!?!?! The ultimate sorcerer?!?!?

The ultimate sorcerer Its a veilThey r using a veil lmaoooDo u think a veil can stop me??!?!?! The ultimate sorcerer?!?!?

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Mirror man
Stfu stop being edgy
Break this dumbass veil and let me in to help my kouhais.

The ultimate sorcerer
gimme a sec
Cant u shift in there?

Mirror man
the veil is matt
its like
making everything inside have no reflection for me to get in
I'm dumb I can't explained it but I know u get what I mean

The ultimate sorcerer
Skill issue tbh
+L+ratio+bad techniques

Mirror man
Stop texting like a 9 years old on Roblox and break the seal god damn it

Also, don't you think it's kinda weird that they know my technique doesn't work on matt surface?

The ultimate sorcerer
Hmmm u got a point
A traitor among us?

Mirror manHow tf do you jump to that conclusion so fucking fast(Well I don't think u r wrong but jfc)

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Mirror man
How tf do you jump to that conclusion so fucking fast
(Well I don't think u r wrong but jfc)

The ultimate sorcerer
I mean fr looks like someone know that we are beating their asses in the matter of second

Mirror man
If u r still like they maybe they could idfk
How long it gonna take

The ultimate sorcerer
15 mins

Mirror man
Bitch do it faster
I give u 5 mins max

The ultimate sorcerer
7.5 mins

Mirror man
Okay fine
But you pay for the next meal for all of us

The ultimate sorcerer
Let's talk Abt that later

Finger in his ass

Mirror man
Bro pocket text me 😭😭😭
I'm cumming

Mirror man went offline

Sorry about this being short my brain is dead rn

Anyways thanks for reading 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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