Tangled Up

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I'm hindsight this was not one of Marinette's greatest ideas. The plan was she was supposed to find Batman, inform him of what is happening in Paris, and get help, not this.

"Well, this is how I die" Marinette grumbles as she stares down at the ground beneath her. Hundreds of feet in the air and no way free. Trapped by her own yo-yo. Now her excuse is that Gotham wasn't ready for Ladybug, in truth she just over underestimated the strength of her yo-yo against the gargoyles here. "In Paris this would have never had happened" Ladybug struggles, swaying back and forth from her string.

"What are you doing?" An amused yet annoyed voice asks from on top of the building. "Just hanging" Ladybug replies in a thick French accent. "I can see that." Ladybug looks up and sees a local vigilante "Robin right?" He only nods.

They stare at each other, debating the threat the other holds.

Finally, Ladybug speaks "My name is Ladybug, I'm from Paris and I'm came asking for assistance from Batman." She pauses "I have held off contacting in the league because my old master, the previous guardian, wished for me and my partner to do it ourselves. However, we are both untrained and our master is no longer available if we do need help. As the new guardian, I'm setting my pride aside and asking for help."

Robin doesn't respond just stares at Ladybug in doubt. A muffled voice can be heard from his com and surprise crosses his face before being calmed into a neutral state. He leans down and grabs the string and pulls the spotted hero up.

Once untangled Ladybug gets a good view of the other hero. He is taller than her standing at 5'11 slightly towering over her 5'5 height. He is lean and muscular carrying a katana on him. While his color scheme reminds Ladybug of a traffic light it surprisingly works with his tan skin and dark hair. The dark green and red go well together with the golden yellow accents.

While Ladybug stares Robin down, Robin does the same. Her suit is red and black spotted spandex that are high-waisted shorts that stop at mid-thigh and a matching crop top showing off her lean stomach. Her feet are coved in little ankle boots in the same red with black spots. She sports a black faux leather jacket. Her hair down framing her face with a thick red headband. The dark colors of her suit and hair complement her pale complexion.

Both Parties seem to just stare at each other getting lost in how attracted they were to each other. Robin eventually is snapped out of it when a buzz is heard from his com, alerting him of where to bring Ladybug. "This was," he says still a little dazed.

The teen heroes run off into the distance together, side by side. Unknown to them at that moment they would run across rooftops together for the rest of their lives.

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