Chapter Seven

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Sorry this is a very short chapter. The next one I promise will be very long. It'll be up as soon as possible :)


*Two Months Later*

“Mickey, we need to talk,” my mother called from the living room.

I put Carolyn in her crib and went to where she was. “Yea?”

She patted the empty spot next to her.

I sat slowly. “What’s going on?”

“There’s no easy way to say this,” she sighed, “we have to move.”


“America. My job is making us move to America.”

“We can’t move to America! What about Josh? He’s still in rehab.”

“We leave in two days.”

“We can’t leave Vancouver. I need Josh. We’re engaged. We’re supposed to get married next October.”

“I’ve already told Corlynn and Miles. They’re coming over to say good-bye to you and Carolyn.”

“You aren’t listening to me! We can’t just leave!”

“We have no choice, Mickey.”

“What about Josh? Carolyn will never get to know her father.”

“Mickey, I’m not arguing with you. I’m sorry. We have no choice.”

Tears began to form in my eyes as I went and grabbed the phone.

I dialed a familiar number and waited for an answer.

“Hey, Mickey. What’s up?”

“Can you come over? I need to talk to you.”

“I’ll be right over.”

I went and grabbed Carolyn as I waited.

I sat on the couch and held her close hoping she would help make me feel better.

There was a knock on the door and my mom went to answer.

“Mickey, what’s wrong? You sounded upset on the phone.” Matt said as he walked in.

“Hold Carolyn.” Matt took Carolyn.

He sat in the spot my mom previously occupied.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m leaving Vancouver.”


“I’m moving to America in a couple of days.”

“You can’t just leave. What about Josh? What about your wedding?”

“I have no choice, Matt. If I did, I’d choose to stay.”

He looked like he wanted to blow up which is exactly why I wanted him to hold my infant daughter.

“Why do you have to go?”

“My mom’s work. Which is why I have no choice.”

Matt stared down at Carolyn.

“Josh is going to be crushed when he finds out.”

“Thank you, Captain Obvious.”

“How is he going to find out?”

“I don’t know. It won’t be from me because I have no way to get a hold of him.”

“Do Corlynn and Miles know?”

“Yes. My mom told them. They should be coming over soon to say good bye to me and Carolyn.”

“What about me? Carolyn will never get to know her family in Canada.”

Matt kissed the top of her head. “Uncle Matt is going to miss you.”

Carolyn slept soundly through our whole conversation.

She’s surprisingly not like other babies. She actually sleeps.

“I’m going to miss you, Matty.” My voice broke as I spoke.

“Don’t you dare get emotional on me, Michelle Taylor.”

“I’m sorry.” I covered my face and sobbed.

Matt handed Carolyn to my mom and wrapped his arms around me.

“I don’t want to leave you guys.”

“I know, Mickey.”

I heard the front door open and close.

“Mickey.” I heard Corlynn’s voice.

I looked up and saw the tear streaked faces of Corlynn and Miles.

I stood up and walked over to them.

They both enveloped me in a hug.

“Always know that we love you. Miles said.

They pulled away.

Corlynn grabbed both of my hands and looked into my eyes.

“You’ve been Josh’s best friend for twelve years. I’m sure you were also his first true love. You were like a daughter to me. I’m going to miss you so much.”

“I’ll try to visit so that you two, Josh, and Matt can see Carolyn.”

My mom handed Carolyn to Corlynn.

“Grandma and Grandpa will miss you very much.” She kissed Carolyn on the top of her head and handed her to Miles.

He wordlessly kissed her and handed her to me.

Corlynn ensconced me in one final hug.

She let me go and turned to face her husband.

They held hands as they walked out of our house.

I looked back at Matt.

He stood up and approached me.

He pulled me into a hug.

He wrapped his arms around my neck.

I couldn’t really hug him back because I was holding Carolyn.

“I’ll miss you, Mickey.”

“I’ll miss you too, Matty.”

He pulled away and kissed my cheek before leaving.

“We should start packing.” My mom said. “I put boxes in your room.”

I put Carolyn in her crib and started packing our things.

The next two days, I sat in my room alone.

My mom understood how I was feeling so she took care of Carolyn while I was in my pit of depression.

The day we left, I boarded the plane and didn’t say a word to my mom.

Carolyn slept through most of the flight and when she was awake, she was silent.

We got off of the plane and nothing seemed different.

Maybe America wouldn’t be so bad.

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