I will NOT sell or give away any phone numbers,addresses, nudes. I will confirm and debunk rumors and leak extra info.
I am not a sasaeng, I just buy info from brokers and distribute it, I'm a collector.
First I want to start with saying BTS do date. No that doesn't automatically mean it's another idol, idols rarely want to date other idols just because of how tiring and hard it is. Taehyung is dating, she isn't an idol, RM is dating and she isn't Sowon from Gfriend lol. Ryujin and Haechan ARENT DATING!!! Lucas is NOT dating Yuqi.
That's all I'm covering about dating.
Next up is idols and shipping, most idols know shipping is a thing, they also know it's from international fans mostly, no they don't even waste their time with that nonsense and watching ship analysis videos but yes they know. Usually they can just laugh it off but say if the idol were friends with the idol they're being shipped with then they start to have ill and uncomfortable feelings toward it and probably feel weirded out. Shipping is also a big factor on why most idols don't have any interest in trying to start a friend ship with other idols, mainly like blackpink and bts, they will probably never be friends because of that, and the groups that BTS are friends with are mostly boy groups, and of course they are friends with Twice, but they don't show it and act like they don't even know each other.
Next I'm going to talk about private instagrams and twitters.
Twitters are much harder to find than instagrams which is why you can't find them as easily as Snapchat and IG. But if their number is connected you can. But idols mostly don't use twitter.
How do you find private instagrams? So basically, ssngs/collectors will find out the idols family/friends and find who follows them, I know if it's private there is an app that u can use to look at private accounts, or sometimes the idols usernames can be dead giveaways, for example Blackpink Jennie, Her old one was xnnieieieieie_kk96, which is a dead giveaway, but her new one is capybaraonly which..
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You can tell if they don't have a lot of followers and it's private.
Now snapchat, I have no idea how ssngs find Snapchat's and the only way I can guess is buying them from an idols friends or something. Also there is numbers, Snapchat allows you to connect your number and email, that is a way that they find them, if you have the number they will pop up in recommended. You can add a Snapchat by email too.
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