Part Five

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The night came, and with it Ronin and the data stick. He wore dark colored clothes and slicked his hair back under a cap.

"I got what you wanted," he said. "But I had to junk the computer I used so nothing gets traced back to anyone."

"Good," said Maria. "I'm going back to The Facility tonight, to break into some offices."

"Pensee's office, I presume?" asked Ronin. "Who's the other."

"A fellow named Nakamura," said Maria, "who has the handicap of being a decent human being. I'm planning to help him get a promotion."

"Because Pensee's job is falling vacant."

Ronin boosted a car to take them to The Facility. The car was blue and nondescript and wouldn't be missed for a few days.

It was not so difficult to find an entry point. The windows all had metal screens, but no one ever checked to see they were all screwed on properly. They pushed one open in a corridor of the Admin section that was held on not with screws but with duct tape. They walked like ghosts through the deserted section until they came to Pensee's office.

Maria used the data stick to put the forbidden images on Pensee's computer. She also used Pensee's printer to print out several of the vilest images, which she put in a file folder, which she placed under Pensee's decorative desk blotter.

That finished, they moved off to Nakamura's office. Ronin picked the lock easily. Then they sat and waited until Nakamura came in, around dawn. Maria had learned that the man was almost compulsive about getting in early.

Nakamura turned on the lights and looked surprised not to be alone.

"Maria, you came back," he said. "Pensee will be pleased... It's really the best thing for you, really, ghosting is no sort of life..."

"Comrade Nakamura," Maria said. "How would you like a promotion? Into Comrade Pensee's job?"

Nakamura smiled faintly, then set his face along more neutral lines. "Comrade Pensee seems to like his job here, I'm sure he will be here for many years to come."

"But if Pensee were doing something wrong, very wrong?"

"There are rumors, always, but no one can prove...."

"What if you got an anonymous report and, right now, led some social workers into Pensee's office and found some child pornography?" Maria said. "Now, well before Pensee will get in for the day?"

"With a man like Pensee, I think the kiddy porn wouldn't be enough. He could claim it was planted. I'd need witness statements," Nakamura said thoughtfully. "Are you planning on sticking around to be a witness?"

Maria shook her head. "Not me. Ask around among the kids--- the quiet ones, the shy ones, the ones most likely to be sent directly to mercy--- boys and girls both. I'm sure some will make admissions, once you have hard proof of his perversion."

"If kids are being harmed, even kids likely to be sent for mercy, it's my duty to do something about it," Nakamura said. "Kids are being harmed, right? It's not just a frame-up?"

"Kids are being harmed," said Maria. "Not just in the way the government allows, but they are being misused. By Pensee. Every resident of this place knows all the stories. But they are afraid to tell since Pensee had a bad habit of sending the kids he's done with to mercy."

"If I summon the social workers, I will find the child porn, won't I? You are not just pranking me?"

"I been in the office tonight," said Ronin. "I seen the kiddy porn right where Maria told you to find it."

"You tell the social workers you had an anonymous report. Tell them you aren't saying what the report is, in case they find nothing. You can probably find a couple of social workers who don't like Pensee. He's not a likable guy."

"You'll be a hero, and get promoted," said Ronin. "Even if we are pranking you, you'll just be seen as a diligent kind of guy. What's the harm in checking it out?"

Nakamura frowned. "I can't help think that you two, having broken into The Facility, may have something to do with this. If it's a frame-up against Pensee...."

"The man diddles children in his charge, and sends them off to be killed so they won't tell," Maria said grimly. "Frame-up or not, he needs to be stopped. Why not do it, and get yourself a promotion?"

"I'm afraid I must ask, what is in it for you, and your friend?" Nakamura asked.

"For right now, nothing. I just want Pensee gone," Maria said. "For later--- if you get the promotion and have the power, I'd like to become a real person. Take the Asperger Syndrome off my records, get me a D-3 and college credit...."

"I could make you manager of Surrat's," Nakamura offered.

"That's Mister Surrat's job," said Maria. "He helped me out, I'm not taking his job."

"Well, I suppose you won't believe me until it's over," said Nakamura. "But if this accusation against Pensee proves out and I can bring him down and get promoted, I will help you out. Your friend here, as well."

"I don't need nothing," said Ronin, "except a D-3 for me and for my girl Liza. Maybe a few little things knocked off my work record."

"That would be no problem," said Nakamura. He actually shook hands with both Maria and Ronin before they left. That amazed Maria. Men like Nakamura were not in the habit of shaking hands with defectives and D-4s. 

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