He could do nothing.

He watched as the KINSLAYER killed everyone but one.

Only one would remain.

Only one survived.

ReliefHorrorWrath filled him as the TRAITOR forced the survivor into the domain of Tsukiyomi.

Was this the fate that awaited the Uchiha should they make peace with the Senju?

Was this the destiny of Madara-niisama's dream?

Then he wanted no part of it.

The Uchiha would have no part in it.


He woke from his dream with his tears of blood in his eyes and desperation on his tongue.

He tried to claw his eyes out.

(He didn't and his eyes changed.)


It was the dawn of his vision of darkness.

He peered into the eyes of his reflection.

Those aren't my eyes. He thought in mounting horror.

The eyes of a stranger stared back.

In one eye he should have been able to invoke the flames of Amaterasu. In the other he should have been able to command the power of the Kotoamatsukami.

He should have but—-

These aren't my eyes.

(In one eye she could see the possibilities of the world. In the other she could travel to them.)

Izuna Uchiha had been blessed by the Goddess of Sun, Amaterasu.

Izuna Uchiha had been blessed by the First Gods, the Kotoamatsukami.

What had been given was taken away.

Ripped away.

Stolen away.

He could not invoke the flames of Amaterasu, nor could he wield the power of the Kotoamatsukami.


Pride silenced his voice.

He would not tell Madara.

He would not tell anyone that his eyes had been stolen. That he had been weakened.

Pride would not allow him.

"I am fine." He said, the lie tasting like bitter honey.

His brother stared.

He stared back with the stranger's eyes.

"Good." Madara said. "Good."


Amaterasu had abandoned him.

The Kotoamatsukami had abandoned him.

And he who had been forsaken by his Gods was struck down by his enemy.

Senju Tobirama.

(I will loath you until the end of time——)

He was struck down by the blade of Raijin.




He fell.

"No... Niisan..."



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