Together Again (ONLY PART)

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AN: This story originally had like 70 parts, and I was starting to copy and paste them into their separate parts but it just got confusing so I'm just putting it in as a single part :)


(It has been about two and a half months since Alex sent a letter telling Jo about Izzie and the kids)

Jo's POV

I'm in the attending lounge sitting at the table not able to eat because my head is killing me

(Mer walks in)

"Hey" "what are you doing in the dark" Meredith says. "My head is killing me and the ultra violet lights aren't exactly helping" I said. Meredith then goes "okay well let me know if you need anything but right now I have a consult so I have to go" in a lot of pain I say "ok thanks mer" but when I tried to get up to walk to surgery I got really dizzy and collapsed on the ground.


Meredith POV

I walked into the lounge to grab some coffee after surgery to find Jo alone in the dark. Me and Jo have a conversation about how she is feeling, after that I left for a consult. I'm not even halfway down the hall when I hear a giant thud, I rush back to the attending lounge to find Jo unconscious on the floor with blood coming out of her nose. I yell for a nurse to page Amelia shepherd and Owen hunt. The gurney was taking too long so nurse Eli and myself grab Jo and Carry her down to the ER. Once we get her into a trauma room we started an IV and Amelia finally shows up, once she does a Neuro exam she explains that Jo needs a head CT right away.


Amelias POV

We get Jo in the CT machine and Meredith asks me what I think it is. I explain to her that I have no idea and ask Meredith if there is anyway she could be pregnant. Meredith said how it was definitely a possibility seeing as though Alex hasn't been gone very long. Once the labs come back Meredith and Amelia are both shocked to see that Jo is...


...Not Pregnant. Knowing this now neither of them have an idea of what it is that caused her to fall unconscious. Once the CT scans come back they realize it was much worse than anyone had thought.

They read the scans and find a huge malignant tumor in her frontal lobe. Meredith and Amelia start arguing because Amelia is saying that it is inoperable and she only has a few months left. Richard and bailey step into her room and ask Meredith if she knows who Jo's health proxy is. Meredith says "the only person I can think of is Alex or link". Amelia says "well this could be a problem" later that night Amelia asks link if he is Jo's health proxy and link says "No, is it really that bad that we need to get her health proxy involved?" Amelia says "yeah it really is, she is in critical condition and doesn't have much time" after they talk Amelia calls Meredith


Meredith POV

Amelia is calling and I pick up the phone

Amelia: "Link isn't the health proxy"

Mer: "well that only leaves one other person"

Amelia: "so what exactly are we going to do" "she is unconscious and we can't wake her up"

Together AgainWhere stories live. Discover now