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Wooyoung looks at the two in disbelief before the anger again rise in him.

He points his pointer fingers in both the older's and taller, more muscular them him boys in front of him.

"I don't have to fucking answer you. Get that straight to your heads! I have a free will to whatever I do. It's my life! You! You promised me you will leave me alone. Then what are you doing here?" This was directly to san as he glups seeing the smaller and younger in front of him ready to kill him.

"Cause, I was worried." Wooyoung roll his eyes and looks anywhere but the two.

"Wooyoung, please-"

"Shut up, both of you." Wooyoung cut off yeosang. His voice filled with frustration and irritation.

"Just-just do me a favor, For God's sakes and LEAVE ME ON MY OWN!!" Wooyoung suddenly brust out and after a glance at the two, seeing their hurt expression, he suddenly felt guilty.

He always, make other around him hurt.


"No, please... please... leave me. Alone. I am begging you two." Wooyoung voice suddenly held weakness, cracking, and pleaded.

San and yeosang felt speechless seeing the one just a few seconds ago fiery looking so fragile right now.

They watch as tears roll down his face. They both felt stuck as they watch tears drop or when the person they both started to feel something about walk away, not even looking at them.


Time skip~ cafe:

"What is wrong with him?" Yeosang asked with a frown as he looks down at san who shrug while staring at his untouched drink.

They both don't know what to feel or what to do now. They wanted to be friend wooyoung, make him special, make him feel like he belong somewhere, make him feel lived.

But, his words. What should they do now? He pleaded them.

"Hey, sangie?" San called still looking down at his drink.

"Mhm?" Yeosang sips his drink and looks at san who looks up at him.

"What do you feel about wooyoung?"

"I- what do you mean?"

"I mean.... what you feel like when he's close to you or not?"

"Ahh..I can relate you. This is kind of feeling like I wanted to protect him, never let any cruel thing come cross him. Make him smile and laugh-and everything he wants."

San nods and looks in yeosang eyes.

"Does- does it meant something? Like.. "

Yeosang looks down and nods.

"You don't need to say it. Maybe, we do." Just then the door of the cafe and as it was destiny, both yeosang and san looks towards the door and their eyes widen as enters through the door was one and only wooyoung, looking and shinning as beautiful as ever. He was wearing a white shirt with some writing on it with black ripe pants, black combat shoes and a black jacket above. His head down as they both noticed an other one wearing all black besides him. The other was taller than wooyoung, quite taller.

Wooyoung sigh as he looks around the cafe with emotionless face, but then his eyes met two(four) similar eyes. His eyes slightly wider but he immediately broke the eye contact and looks on the other side. Not knowing what to feel or do. He felt....

Useless and suffocated.

On the other hand, yunho smiles and yell seonghwa name.

"Hwa! Over here!" Yunho wave his hand to let them know.

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