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Duties and responsibilities, thats Michelle's cycle of life.

From the very first start of her career, she dedicated herself into it. "No time for distraction, it may lead to your destruction." Thats what she hold on to for her dear life, embedded to her by her parents themselves.

Her family was considered as the most respected household of the country. After all, having a Director General of the Police force of a father, a Lieutenant General of the Military as her mother and a whole lot of officers in her extended family, who wouldn't respect them?

Sometimes she wondered, if she was born in a normal family, will she still be the same? Will she still be the stoic expressionless coldhearted wanna be bitch that her Team entitled her to be? It was hard to be happy, to be the ray of sunshine, oh-so-bubbly when she grew up in a cold wide house with no one but herself. It was just really hard to.

Although she have some caretakers to take care of her basic needs and financial stability through her parents income, that was just not enough for her to be contented to. Because as a child growing up, she was in need of a parent to go to when she's afraid of thunders, a mother to lean on on her first heartbreak, a father to confide on when life was getting too hard, but she got no one. You can't buy certain kind of things such as the love from your parents.

It was even harder to live in expection. You have to watch over your back every time you made a mistake, to not give any indication that you're being proud of yourself for a simple success, obey every orders that they throw at you with no questions ask and failure to obey will be given a certain punishment you wouldn't be wishing to have, even to your worst enemy. But that's her life, and she can't do anything about it.

Michelle Daniela Marquez Dee, 25, have never experience being a normal teenager.

She was thrown into the world of adulthood and chunk to a military base-like high school when she was 13 and shoved into the prestigious Military Academy when she was 18. She never experienced parties, sleepovers and hangouts. She was formed to be the perfect soldier, officer and official her parents want her to be.

"Captain." A voice rang into the room, snapping Michelle out of her thoughts.

First Lieutenant Zachary Natividad, her former classmate in the Military Academy and her now right hand and first in command saluted at her as a form of respect.

Michelle only gazed at him and nod, averting her eyes at the cold blank wall with nothing but the President's picture and the National flag.

Zachary must've noticed her silence as an indication to talk further so he lowered his hand to be at ease and stood still as possible. "The Lieutenant General wanted to speak to you, Captain."

The woman sighed, contemplating to just yell at him to fuck off or dash away to the comfort of her penthouse that her parents didn't know existed but she guess, the situation was inevitable.

"So this is it then." She said quietly, she was never the one to talk too much except when she bark orders and Zachary understood. "Lead the way, gentleman."

Silence echoed through the hall as they walked out of the woman's office, both not knowing what's the verdict of their first ever incompetence. The Lieutenant General may be Michelle's mother but to her, she was just as cold as the ice . She've never given a special treatment just because of where she came from and she wouldn't expect much.

"You know.." Zachary softly started, "Whatever the punishment may be, the team will always be here for you right, Captain?"

Michelle's lips twisted into a thin smile and she glance over her shoulder. "I wouldn't know, after all, I am the cold bitch they say." she mockingly said, quietly .

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