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"The nerve of that woman! Treating me like a piece of shit. It's just too bad that she have that gorgeous face and banging body if her attitude sucks! She didn't even look at me in the eyes or even bothered by me, ME? Anntonia Serenity Porsild! Like, bitch I'm me! Arrrgh i hate her beautiful and handsome face. I hate her intoxicating perfume and the way that stupid smirk looks so sexy on her fuckin perfect face. Aarrgggh!!" Anntonia fumed as she paced back and forth in her living room, the tv that was infront of her, long forgotten.

Nicha Poonpoka, her other best friend, look at her blankly. She was enjoying her rest day after a busy schedule with her modeling gigs while managing her galleries when a very red-faced and angry Anntonia called her for a very important meeting, very, and she just had to attend as soon as possible.

Turns out, it was just a ranting by a whipped dumbass. "I don't know if you're belittling her or complimenting her girl, but Jesus, will you stop that? You're making me dizzy."

Chatnalin emerged from the kitchen laughing while handing out a glass of wine to Nicha, not even bothering to give anything to her other friend, who's the owner of the house. "Girl, did you see her banging body? Even if I'm not gay, I would tap that ass. She looked ravishing on that tights and damn that muscles are to die for."

Anntonia send her a death glare. No one, I mean NO ONE can look at the sexy woman the way she looked at her. No one can describe HER sexy woman that way.

Chatnalin was in full hysteric when she saw the look that she was given by the offended woman. A look that she knows all too well. "Girl chill, I was just saying. Why so jealous?"

Nicha sighed deeply, shaking her head. "If I knew it will just be like this. You ranting over your little crush, I wouldn't come here. I was enjoying my sleep, people."

Anntonia averted her glare to the woman. "I certainly don't have a crush. Did you forget I am still getting over my break-up with Irfan? That stupid fucktard."

Nicha scoffed, waving her off. "Of course you don't, honey. It was a little crush I mean, it was as small as Sahara Dessert, definitely small." She said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

Anntonia rolled her eyes in response, accepting her defeat. She stopped pacing and unceremoniously sprawled on the couch with a huff before facing the two. "Its not that big tho." She sheepishly said with a grin. "Kinda."

Chatnalin grinned back. "Took you long enough to admit, bitch. "

Nicha looked at Chatnalin in disbelief and rolled her eyes once more. "It wasn't even long enough, stupid."

Chatnalin shrugged her shoulders."It was long enough for me. I mean, when I met this guy in the club last week, which by the way, the club that we go to every fucking Sunday. It just took me a minute to decide to drag him to my apart-"

"Okay okay enough, information overload." Nicha grimaced, smacking Chatnalin's skull. "You're such a hoe, hoe. Is this your way of saying you're easy?"

The woman flipped her black hair indignantly. "Careful there Santa, it's not christmas yet. And to tell you frankly, I am not easy, just sexually active unlike some people with the name of Nicha. Oops!" she sheepishly said, distancing away from her friend's reach.

Nicha took offense at the statement and scowled at her friend. "I will hurt you."

Anntonia, having enough of their banter, decided to intervene. "Enough of the nonsense, cant you see I'm having a crisis?" She whined before crossing her arms.

But Chatnalin and Nicha only glanced at her and muttered in synch. "What? Whore crisis?" To receive a smack of pillow to their faces.

What kind of bestfriends they are.


"The accomodations are not with our soldiers. You will not be mixed with them for private reasons and will be directed to the units that was reserved for you by the Commander and your Chief. Before we accompany ya'll to your respective rooms, I would like to discuss the rules in this camp." The white officer rambled to the team as Michelle look at him blankly.

They just got off the bus after exiting the airport and was not given any time to relax when they were bombarded by the stupid soldier who couldn't take the hint that they are tired to listen to any nonsense such as rules.

Alpha team never obligated to obey rules.

That was the privileged that they had in their own country. They accepted missions, any kind of it except the walk in the park.

It's not that they were full of themselves, Alpha team just never bothered because of their tight schedules and if it affects their ability to perform the tasks well.

"....So, shall we?" Michelle snapped out of her thoughts when Zachary nudged her shoulder. She didn't even hear anything that the officer told them about except the last part. She just nodded at them and directed her team to the quite large building and to the units that was assigned.

"The Captain will have their own unit, and that means you, maam. It's located to the left end corner. While the other units, accommodates 2 people, since each unit have two beds except for the Captain's. All the rooms aren't soundproof incase of any emergency. It wasn't made for privacy so, we apologize for that." the officer explained passionately with no trance of hostility.

Michelle gave him a small smile, thankful for his hospitality. "Thank you, gentleman."

The soldier smiled back, flustered. "You're welcome ma'am. I will not hold you any longer, rest yourselves. It was a long day for you all." He said dismissing himself with salute at the Captain.

Michelle turned around to face her team. "Choose your room, but remember, I dont want heteros in each one. Jokes aside. Dismissed." She said before turning around to her own unit before they could even reply.

It wasn't much, but she can live with it for a year. The unit have furnitures already but nothing fancy. Black couch located in the living room facing the flat screen tv and a glassed table in the center. Finding her room as well, she was met by a good enough sized bed in the middle. It wasn't half bad than she thought it would be. She walked inside to find an ensuite full of toiletries and hygienes kit that she may use, that no doubt, her mother arranged for her.

Welp, time for a shower, it was a big day tomorrow. She rolled her eyes at the thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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