[Chapter 2] ~Catch Me If You Can~

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//Shuichi POV//

The next morning i got woken up by my neighbors fighting about their old TV again, they really have to stop fighting so early in the morning- last time someone moved out because of that- anyways, i got up and got changed, my cat was still asleep so i just went to the kitchen and put her food already in her bowl so if she wakes up she has something to eat, after that i went to the door, put on my shoes and drived to my work place

After i arrived i got immediately called in my bosses office, i didn't really had any bad thoughts about it and just went inside, i got greeted by Kirigiri which said i should sit down.
"Alright, so shuichi, someone told me you let the phantom thief escape with all the diamonds, is that true?" she said and looked at me with a serious face. "No- he was there with his whole gang i tried to catch him but he was fast- i am very sorry it won't happen again-" i apologized, i mean it was the truth after all- right? I still can't get over the fact how distracted i got when we looked at eachother, i didn't know what was wrong with me but i couldn't do anything at that moment, how weird...

"It's fine just make sure you don't let it happen again, today you will go to the local diamond store and watch out for anything suspicious, we have a feeling that he will go there today" Kyoko explained to me, i nodded and went to my office to finish some of my work and look up 'Phantom thief' maybe something would come up about him, surprisingly, something really appeared about him, he really was a famous thief, but not that famous that i would know him, he's the most wanted thief in Mexico, French and Russia, oh wow, well then it's time that someone finally catches him, and this person is gonna be me. I won't dissapoint Kyoko again, i can't.

I got back up and went to my car, i drove to the local diamond store and went inside to look around a little before anyone else could show up before

//Phantom thief POV//

In the morning i got up and got changed immediately, i went to the kitchen to get my breakfast and sat down, my gang was doing their jobs as usual, my assistant came into the kitchen and sat down next to me.
"did you find anything about the new detective?" i asked while eating my cereal and waited for an answer
"yeah we did, his name is shuichi saihara, we also found out his Adress and that he has a pet cat named Minette" my assistant said while handing me a file with information about him, i read through it, after a while i gave her the file back and finished my cereal

I headed to the group room where most of my members where already waiting for me, i sat down on the leader seat ofcourse meanwhile my assistant brought me some panta, a member clicked the button on the table and a 3D card of the City pops up, we looked at it too look for a place where going to steal something today and a member said they could try the local diamond store, i wasn't so sure at first but then just agreed, so we got a ready and went to the diamond store

It was already like 11pm so i knew that the detective should be there, when we arrived at the roof of the local diamond store i decided to go inside alone for now and if i needed help I'll just click the small button that was attached to my gloves, so i went inside and landed in the security room, i went up to the cameras and looked around in the room.
"pretty dead here huh? That's weird" i said and started to look through the cams to find the detective walking around in there, "and of course mr detective is already here, well let's say hello!" *he said and took the small microphone and pushed a small button so shuichi would be able to hear him

"Well, well, well, isn't that the detective who failed catching me last time? Great to see you again!" i chuckled a little when i saw the reaction of the detective, he flinched a little and looked around himself "where are you? Show yourself." i heard the detective say, i laughed "well sure!" i said and went down to the detective but not showing myself to him yet, he looked around and i just had the funny idea to make a little trap for him

The detective started to walk more in my direction so i pulled out some little dice cubes and threw them around the corner on the ground, the detective did not expect that so he just tripped over them, it was just hilarious to watch i busted out laughing and looked at the detective lying on the floor. "Didn't think that there would be a trap huh?" i asked laughingly

//Shuichi POV//

I laid on the floor, the phantom thief was standing in front of me laughing because i tripped over something, i looked at the thing i tripped over, small dice cubes? I slowly got up and looks at the phantom thief seriously "very funny." i said and grabbed his arm, that kinda caught him off guard but he quickly distracted me with throwing a weird dice cube at me again that was sticking to my outfit, i looked at it confused trying to gtg it off, but i couldn't, the phantom thief pulled his arm away and pulled out an- umbrella? What would he need that for? I asked myself, he pulled out a small remote and started to laugh, he clicked the Button and the dice cube started to blink, i knew this wouldn't end well.

It started to make some noise and the phantom thief used the umbrella to cover himself, after he did that i knew exactly what would happen, the little cube started to expload and i was covered in purple glitter, the phantom thief was laughing again, i just tried to get some glitter off, "That's kinda childish of you don't you think?" i said to the smaller purple haired boy
"childish? Who me? Nooo of course not! I am completely serious yk!" he answered me, i tried to grab his arm again but he started to ran away
"Catch me if you can!" he yelled and continued running, i started to ran after him.

We ran through the whole diamond store but i just couldn't catch him, as he ran into the security room i slammed the door, he was trapped in here, with me his gang was still on the roof and would be able to help him but he didn't tell them that he needs help, i looked around and saw him near a red button, i knew this wouldn't mean anything good so i tried to stop him from pushing it.
It was too late, he pushed the button but to his surprise the whole store locked itself and could only be opened with a safe key, great.
"Look what you did." i told the short boy, he just laughed and answered me "what if that's what i was trying to do? Did you think about that", i was confused, why would he want to lock the whole store and trap himself with me in here, it didn't make sense at all but i went towards him and arrested him, he acted like nothing happened and just sat down on the chair in the security room i checked how long the store will be closed, turns out the store will be closed the whole weekend, or till someone opens the shop with the actual key that unlocks the store.

I look over at the phantom thief and thought to myself.. Locked with my enemy? In a diamond store? For the whole weekend.. This is definitely not gonna end well.. I signed and sat down..

To be continued..

Heyyy this was the second chapter of my first fanfiction i hope you guys enjoy it and stay tuned for chapter 3! See yall!

Shuichi Saihara and the phantom thief🎭🎲 ~Saiouma~Where stories live. Discover now